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Cycling safety: form your own lane

Posted: June 21 2023

Made In Brunel, Design
Made In Brunel, Design

Industrial Design & Technology BA Ibrahim Cam's final year project is about improving cycling safety.

Laser Lane

In 2021, there were over 16,000 cycling casualties reported on UK roads, indicating a significant safety concern for cyclists. To address this issue, there is a need to provide cyclists with the necessary infrastructure to feel more confident when using their bikes on public roads.

Introducing the Laser Lane, a cutting-edge cycling product that offers a capacitive touch-activated indicator, front and rear lights, and a 1.5-metre laser line on both sides of the cyclist. This laser line indicates the space drivers should maintain when overtaking cyclists, and it is intended to increase their visibility and improve communication with other road users.

This increases visibility, improves communication with other road users, and enhances cyclist safety. The Laser Lane equips cyclists with everything needed to ride confidently and securely on UK roads.

Laser Lane
Laser Lane
