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Mentors help maths students succeed

Mentors help maths students succeed

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Rushita Amin

Joining the mentoring scheme was a perfect opportunity to get some really useful insight into what the working world is like

Rushita, Undergraduate

Mathematics BSc

From UK

Tell us what you like most about your course?

What I like most about my course is that I get the opportunity to learn how I can apply mathematics into more real-life scenarios through software such as Matlab and SPSS. 

What is your favourite module and why?

I really like Multivariable Calculus as you are dealing with not just two-dimensional space but also three-dimensional as well. This allows you to learn more about the environment surrounding you mathematically.

What advice will you give to students applying to university?

If you are passionate about your chosen degree then I would definitely go for it. Make the most of every opportunity that arises as you may not get that chance again. 

What made you want to study Mathematics at Brunel?

I knew I wanted to study maths from a young age and wanted to progress into a career where I can apply that knowledge. That is why I chose this degree as it forms the pathway where I can progress into my desired career.

What advice will you give to those who are unsure about studying Mathematics at Brunel?

For those unsure about studying maths, I would say that you will have a really easy transition from school to uni as they bridge the gap between what you have got taught to what you have yet to learn. You'll start off by learn in small groups then progress into bigger lectures as the year goes on. Also there's so many different career paths you can take with maths so it's not so specialised and limited to a certain field.

What made you join the maths mentoring scheme?

I am interested in doing a placement year and when I heard about WIBEC it seemed liked the perfect opportunity to get some really useful insight into what the working world is like. The fact that you get paired with an industry professional really appealed to me as they can share their experience with you and guide you along the way.

What encouraged you to be mentored?

What encouraged me was that I had someone to turn to that wouldn't judge me in any way but instead listen to what I had to say and offer advice. Just having someone to talk to made the placement process less stressful and a lot more easier. I also get the opportunity to visit my mentors workplace and see how the business operate first hand. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I wasn't being mentored.

How will you use this in the future?

I would aim to keep in contact with my mentor in the future and if you would ever need a reference for a particular job then you could always turn to them.

Would you encourage fellow students to join in?

I would definitely recommend it as it will not only boost your confidence but will provide you with the support you may require that the university may not be able to provide.