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Business degree prepares class of 2020 alumnus to launch his own business

Business degree prepares class of 2020 alumnus to launch his own business

Published: 08 Feb 2024

Itamar Blauer

I was lucky to have such amazing professors in the Business School, and I feel that the placement option for my course was definitely where I benefited in terms of being able to apply theory with hands-on digital marketing practices.

Itamar, Undergraduate, Alumni

SEO Consultant, Itamar Blauer

Marketing BSc - 2020

From Israel

Previous Institution

JFS School - A Levels

Where do you currently live?


Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

During my placement year, I was working at a digital marketing agency in London. I had already known that I wanted to pursue a career in digital marketing prior to starting at Brunel, but I was very fortunate to have undertaken this year to get some valuable hands-on experience. After the placement year finished, I continued to work for the agency as a freelancer, and since graduating, I decided to become self-employed as an and Video Marketing Consultant.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

Being my own boss has its perks in the sense that I can choose what to do each day (for the most part). I will often have consulting calls with different clients, whether they want me to help them with digital strategy to auditing their websites. I am very active on social media and I consistently upload YouTube videos related to digital marketing, as well as upload content on my website at .

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

I feel that my personal brand has been greatly elevated in the past 12 months, and I have appeared on various highly authoritative industry publications, as well as being featured in webinars and podcasts.

How would you say your 水果派AVexperience has helped you to get where you are today?

水果派AVallowed me to prioritise and reach for my goals. I was lucky to have such amazing professors in the Business School, and I feel that the placement option for my course was definitely where I benefited in terms of being able to apply theory with hands-on digital marketing practices.

Why did you choose to study at 水果派AVand why would you recommend 水果派AVto others?

I chose to study at 水果派AVbecause its Marketing course was suited to me by having a placement year option. I also loved the modern look of the campus, and the introductory talks before I had picked my final University choice were incredible. I'd recommend 水果派AVbecause it is a university that helps you connect with fantastic businesses, as well as providing excellent teaching.

What is your best memory of studying here?

It's hard to pinpoint the best memory of studying at 水果派AVbecause there were many! As my second and final year involved a LOT more studying, my first year had some fun memories of playing basketball with friends and generally doing more socialising! The Business Life programme was also very enjoyable and beneficial to my personal development, so that's definitely a nominee!

If you could give one piece of advice to current 水果派AVstudents, what would that be?

Be proactive and take advantage of the resources that the University offers. It's not just about finishing coursework and exams, but rather being able to develop yourself as an individual and pick up some important skills along the way.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

Seeing as my cohort graduated during the pandemic, I personally saw this as a great opportunity to create content online and improve my personal brand. People are stuck at home (still) and it's important to find your voice and get to know people in your industry, be it on informal platforms like Twitter or formal platforms like LinkedIn.
