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Placements at top agencies lead alumnus to Junior Creative role

Placements at top agencies lead alumnus to Junior Creative role

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Matt Luke

The course at 水果派AVis full of lecturers that work (or have worked) in the industry, which is invaluable for learning what a writing career is really like.

Matt, Undergraduate, Alumni

Junior Creative, VMLY&R London

Creative Writing BA - 2016

From UK

Tell us about your career journey since you graduated…

I managed to land a copywriting internship towards the end of university, which started as a 3-month placement but ended up lasting 9 months. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything lined up afterwards, so for the next two years, I jumped between unemployment and bar/cafe jobs. Fortunately, I came across an advertising internship scheme and managed to land a string of placements at top agencies around London. I had no experience of advertising before, but I chose this as my new career and within a year and a half, I was finally hired at my current agency.

What does an average day at work involve for you?

I'll sit down with my creative partner, Yama, and come up with as many ideas as possible that could solve a problem for our clients. This could translate into a script for a TV advert, an interactive poster on the high street, a big PR stunt or social media campaign - the possibilities are endless. We'll present our work to the team, the good ones go through to the client and the ones they like get made. The best thing about it is that no two days are the same.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

The favourite piece of work by far is a proactive piece I created with my partner in crime on our first advertising placement together. It was three social media films for Ford Motors that aimed to tackle road rage in a humorous way. You can view it at yamaandmatt.co.uk.

How would you say 水果派AVhelped you to get where you are today?

My Creative Writing course at 水果派AVallowed me try out a number of different writing disciplines to narrow down what I ultimately wanted to do - and the university also set up an interview that led to an internship that got the ball rolling for my career. What's more, I became much more confident from my university experience; not just about my writing but about myself in general too.

Why did you choose to study at 水果派AVand why would you recommend 水果派AVto others?

For people who want to do Creative Writing, the course at 水果派AVis full of lecturers that work (or have worked) in the industry - which is invaluable for learning what a writing career is really like. You get to explore a variety of different modules too, from screenwriting and poetry to theatre and journalism comedy.

What is your best memory of studying here?

Discovering screenwriting was a game changer for me, as it opened a wealth of new opportunities. It cemented my love for film. But equally as fulfilling was the comedy module, where we all wrote and performed a stand-up comedy act. It was daunting, but so worth the effort. If you're doing Creative Writing and you're not a very confident person, this will work wonders for you.

If you could give one piece of advice to new students, what would that be?

Enjoy yourself and be a sponge. University is a fantastic opportunity to meet lots of new people; not just socially but professionally. When it comes to lectures, be inquisitive and don't be afraid to ask stupid questions or voice your opinion. Those traits are going to be vital further down the line.

What would be your top tip or advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey?

Be open-minded. It's great to have a specific career in mind, but the job market is only getting more competitive, so at least when you're starting out, you need to be flexible. It took me four years and a lot of hard work to finally get where I am now, so keep your options open.