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水果派AVexperience leads alumnus to childhood football club

水果派AVexperience leads alumnus to childhood football club

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Kagan Karagulle

I can easily say it [Brunel] was the best thing that happened to me. Being around an environment that is so international and diverse gave me a better understanding of the people that I am working with today.

Kagan, Undergraduate, Alumni

Marketing Executive, Galatasaray Sports Club

Business and Management BSc - 2017

From Turkey

Previous Institution

水果派AVPathway College (BPC) - Foundation and First Year University Studies

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

I have had the chance to work for LBIC (now known as the 水果派AVPathway College) as an International Student Recruitment Coordinator at 水果派AVafter graduating in 2017. This gave me the chance to experience professional life in the UK alongside the student experience, and I will be forever grateful to my university for providing that chance. At the moment I am a Marketing Executive at my boyhood football club, Galatasaray, and I can easily say it has been a dream so far.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

I am a Marketing Executive in sports and that means dealing with of all the sponsorship deals and accounts, both domestic and international, and trying to create new links with potential sponsors whilst maintaining the current relationships. Preparing the contracts and making sure they go through smoothly for all sides concerned is the main target.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

I have always been into sports, especially football, so I would say being able to work in my boyhood football club has easily been the highlight of my career. The work that I am doing does not even feel like work when you're actually loving what you're doing.

How would you say your 水果派AVexperience has helped you to get where you are today?

As a 水果派AVgraduate and as a past LBIC employee, when I am looking back right now, I can easily say it was the best thing that happened to me. Being around an environment that is so international and diverse gave me a better understanding of the people that I am working with today, and that skill I have learned from my years in 水果派AVI still carry today in my professional life.

Why did you choose to study at 水果派AVand why would you recommend 水果派AVto others?

For me personally, I have worked at 水果派AVwith LBIC as a Student Recruitment Coordinator for two years and would recommend 水果派AVto students at home and abroad. I believe that speaks for itself when I say yes, I one hundred percent recommend Brunel.

What is your best memory of studying here?

I believe it would be wrong to only talk about one memory here. The years I've spent at 水果派AVwere easily the best time of my life, and fair to say that the whole thing was a life changing experience. I made the decision to join 水果派AVas an international student and I never looked back.

If you could give one piece of advice to current 水果派AVstudents, what would that be?

As cliché as this might sound, appreciate your time at university, and 水果派AVmore. In the future, when looking back, you will understand that these were the best times of your life and now more than ever we understand that you can’t take anything for granted.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

I would say be confident. No matter where you are in the world, know that you are from one of the top tier universities in the world and the life experience you gain from that is much more important. Know your value and the value of your 水果派AVdegree and things will eventually work out.
