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Meet the PhD alumnus driving a change of behaviour towards creating a sustainable future

Meet the PhD alumnus driving a change of behaviour towards creating a sustainable future

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Amor Almataani

The diverse learning opportunities, seminars and conferences which 水果派AVfully sponsored made me realise there is life beyond research and that research is only worthwhile if it is put into practice to serve humanity to live more sustainably.

Amor, Research, Alumni

CEO, Oman LNG Development Foundation

Management PhD - 2020

From Oman

Previous Institution

Newcastle University - MBA

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

After completing my PhD degree with a focus on sustainability, I was appointed as CEO for Oman LNG Development Foundation. My research focused mainly on how the oil and gas industry could drive the sustainability agenda, especially in its supply chain and the community it serves. The CEO job offer came in time to put my theoretical knowledge and well developed and tested empirical model into broader practice. My job also allowed me the opportunity to drive a change of behaviour towards creating a sustainable future.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

A typical day starts with a leadership meeting to align the strategic and corporative objectives to activities for the day. I also get involved in many engagements with diverse stakeholders from public, private and NGO sectors to co-create a shared agenda towards environmental, social and economic sustainability. Often, I participate in conferences and seminars to sustain the advocacy drive towards a sustainable future. A future in a world just and balanced towards social prosperity, and a safe environment for the future generation to enjoy as much as we did.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

My career journey so far is dynamic, rewarding and touching many lives. My contribution in driving the sustainability agenda personally and organisationally to the UN SDGs in a world challenged by a pandemic, climate change, and inequality is timely and transformative. I was an enabler to support and energise many to overcome the hardship of Covid-19, as well as a strong advocate for a more sustainable future. Through our social investment, many schools enhanced their STEM education and robotic labs and many universities and colleges upgraded with the latest technologies. Our capacity building programmes directed towards Women and NGOs created a social safety net for many and a culture aligned to ESG.

How would you say your 水果派AVexperience has helped you to get where you are today?

水果派AVoffers an excellent opportunity for purposeful learning and practical skills for life. The teaching and professional guidance offered by all faculties have enabled me to grow my talent, social skills and purpose. The diverse learning opportunities, seminars and conferences which 水果派AVfully sponsored made me realise there is life beyond research and research is only worthwhile if it is put into practice to serve humanity to live more sustainably.

Why did you choose to study at 水果派AVand why would you recommend 水果派AVto others?

The professional support from staff across campus is second to none and offers a conducive learning environment. The non-curricula activities at 水果派AVare enriching and joyful. 水果派AVis a village with many shades of colours. The diverse nationalities of students at 水果派AVoffer the opportunity to learn how collectively we can impact by complementing our differences. It is also a place of diverse culture and strives hard to embrace inclusion. The environment around 水果派AVis safe and provides easy access to many UK cities and proximity to Heathrow Airport offers an opportunity to connect globally with ease. I highly recommend 水果派AVfor those who strive to learn and rediscover themselves beyond academic excellence.

What is your best memory of studying here?

水果派AVis a very diverse and inclusive institution. Through many social events and conferences, I was offered the opportunity to meet and engage in constructive debates with people from many countries, ethnicities, orientations and beliefs. It consolidated my understanding of the world and allowed me to see it and its contemporary issues from many lenses. External lectures offered me the opportunity to explore many topics, innovations and research breakthroughs. Attending conferences like the BAM ones, I met many authoresses and inspiring individuals who shaped the rhetoric of our world.

If you could give one piece of advice to current 水果派AVstudents, what would that be?

水果派AVis a place of learning, social inclusion and fun. Make the most of your time at Brunel, and explore all possible opportunities for enhancing skills beyond the curriculum. Many people will go beyond their call of duty to help, so seek help when needed and don’t hold back from anything. Have fun and create a good work-life balance.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

As a 水果派AVgraduate, be hungry to learn and determined to make an impact. 水果派AVis committed and highly supportive of personal and professional development, career planning and management. 水果派AVEntrepreneurial Ecosystem (BEES) is tailored to offer the essential resources which often start-ups and entrepreneurs need to create and grow their businesses. If you are more adventurous, make sure you attend all those entrepreneurial learning opportunities and tap into all available options. 水果派AVgraduates should be proud of their achievements and ready to concur with all available opportunities.
