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Alumnus transitions into full-time management role with Apple after graduation

Alumnus transitions into full-time management role with Apple after graduation

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Kishan Patel

I chose 水果派AVfor a range of factors, including excellent professors, an interesting selection of modules, great extra-curricular opportunities and finally, a very helpful Careers department.

Kishan, Undergraduate, Alumni

Programme Manager for Apple Pay, Apple Inc.

Business and Management BSc - 2015

From UK

Tell us about your career journey since you graduated…

At the time of graduating, I had a part-time job at Apple Retail. I transitioned into a full time role, still within retail, and then worked my way into corporate after a year. I have since experienced a range of roles, from corporate and channel sales to project and programme management in Apple's services business.

What does an average day at work involve for you?

My current responsibilities include on-boarding banks onto the Apple Pay platform across the EMEIA markets. A typical day would involve managing a pipeline of partners around the world, for who I assume operational readiness for. I have to engage in meetings internally with Business Development Teams, Technical Project Managers, Legal and Software Engineers.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

The highlight of my career has been making a direct impact on strategy and results of one of the largest and most dynamic technology companies. I have been able to impact operational strategy and work with a range of cultures. I have been able to also gain experience on managing a direct report which has been fulfilling.

How would you say 水果派AVhelped you to get where you are today?

水果派AV(and specifically 水果派AVBusiness School) has impacted my career trajectory in a positive way. I regularly attended extra-curricular sessions and networking events held by the Business School and was able to take part in a mentorship programme to help on-board new students whilst I was studying. These soft skills, backed by a strong academic degree in business management, has allowed me to take an unconventional career path to where I am today.

Why did you choose to study at 水果派AVand why would you recommend 水果派AVto others?

I chose 水果派AVfor a range of factors including excellent professors, an interesting selection of modules, great extra-curricular opportunities and finally, a very helpful Careers department. Brunel's location also meant that it is within easy access of central London, where I was planning to work. This made it possible for me to work and study at the same time.

What is your best memory of studying here?

My best memory of studying at 水果派AVwas the ability to collaborate with students from all around the world, and build the foundations of what would become a truly global network. I am in touch with professors and students who are all doing a range of different roles since I graduated.

If you could give one piece of advice to new students, what would that be?

Make sure that you focus on getting the best degree possible while embracing extra-curricular activities such as networking events / societies. These will form valuable learning opportunities that you can take with you in your roles. Make sure that you focus on your work academically trying to get the best grades possible, but also focus on the soft skills and sharpen these so you are ready for real life work.

What would be your top tip or advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey?

Remember that everyone has a slightly different career path; just because you did not do a placement in industry or secure a place on a graduate scheme, it is not the end of the world. You may find that you will use the formative years of your career finding a job and company that you are truly passionate about.
