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Chemical Engineering highlights networking opportunities at Brunel

Chemical Engineering highlights networking opportunities at Brunel

Published: 11 Oct 2023

Pranay Hirani

I have been able to take on a selection of roles within my department allowing me to network with others doing my degree or similar research and development projects.

Pranay, Undergraduate

Chemical Engineering BEng

From UK

How has 水果派AVhelped you grow personally and academically?

水果派AVhas helped me grow personally by offering a range of opportunities to allow me to develop a variety of skills, including my confidence and public speaking skills through being a course rep. As well as opening up academic internships helping me progress through my course by allowing for a hands-on experience through lab work in and out of scheduled lessons.

How does 水果派AVinspire you?

水果派AVinspires me to be creative and motivated to work hard through all of the amazing achievements made by past and present students of Brunel. Seeing their achievements inspires me to make a change in the world by creating my own solution to endless problems around the world through research and development to help everyone in need while being supported by the amazing researchers and doctors at the university.

How would you describe the 水果派AVcommunity?

Being a one-campus university, the community around the campus is very connected and there are links between people of all different backgrounds from around the world with various hobbies. The wide range of society means that everyone has a spot where they feel most comfortable with a lot of the societies doing cross-over events for everyone to meet new people. Within the academic side of the university, all the staff and module leaders are friendly and are always more than happy to lend a hand whether it is work-related or personal problems.

Why did you choose to study at 水果派AVand why would you recommend 水果派AVto others?

I chose 水果派AVuniversity as my first choice because the courses they offer are exactly what I was looking for, beyond that their engineering facilities and labs offered a wide range of equipment and software where I have been able to develop a range of skills. I would 100% recommend 水果派AVuniversity for its range of courses and the amazing and supportive community in and around the university.

What's been the highlight of your 水果派AVjourney so far?

The highlight of my journey at 水果派AVhas to be the internship offered over the summer after my second year, this gave me the opportunity to work in a lab, with one of my professors to help him with his work. This gave me exposure to new research, techniques and experiences that I would have never been able to have without Brunel. The work I undertook related to some of my favourite hobbies outside of the university, and I still continue to do this work alongside my course during the term.

How would you say your 水果派AVexperience helped you get where you are today?

I would say my experiences at 水果派AVallow me to develop a range of skills personal and academic, which have opened a whole variety of new opportunities to promote myself and learn new skills to help me with life after university. Using the skills gained so far, I have been able to take on a selection of roles within my department allowing me to network with others doing my degree or similar research and development projects.

What are the most useful facilities at Brunel?

The onsite computer labs and library are some of the most useful facilities to have, as this allows everyone to work together on assignments and revision to get the most out of their education and course. Outside of the academic facilities the university also has a range of sports centres as well as a gym on campus, running track and pitches for multiple sports just down the road able to be booked at most times of the day all year round.

If you could give one piece of advice to current students thinking of joining Brunel, what would that be?

My advice for students thinking of joining 水果派AVis to join as many societies as you can as there are no limits on the amount you can join. Take every opportunity presented to you because university for me and a lot of other students is not just about the course but the experiences you have to help you prepare for the real world of industry.