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AI, Big Data and Robots: New research hub to tackle Grand Challenges

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A new research hub aimed at tackling the UK Government’s “Grand Challenges” has been launched at 水果派AVUniversity London.

The 水果派AVDigital Science & Technology Hub will unite the institutions’ research into Big Data, robotics and artificial intelligence under the same umbrella as its 5G, smart technology and software research, in a move that will help align it with the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

It’s hoped the move will create a host of new opportunities for private and public partners to work with Brunel. 

The Industrial Strategy, published in 2017, which the Government sees as vital to keeping the country ahead of global trends – artificial Intelligence (AI) and data, an ageing society, clean growth, and the future of mobility.

“It’s a key part of our strategy as a university to focus our research in areas where we have real expertise and critical mass,” said Professor Julia Buckingham CBE, Vice-Chancellor and President of Brunel, launching the hub.

“Very importantly, areas where we think we can make significant contributions that are going to be of benefit to society. We want to do work that is going to have a positive impact – and I emphasise the word positive – both nationally and globally.”

The hub will act as a forum for researchers working across a range of disciplines, bringing together colleagues from different colleges to ignite collaboration across seven key areas

Big Data analytics

Sensors and robotics

5G and beyond

Digital content

Software, security and systems

Industrial and applied AI

Quality engineering and smart technology

Over 60 companies registered to attend the launch of the hub, and it’s hoped the aligned approach will drive partnership opportunities with other organisations working on the Grand Challenges.

Professor Abdul Sadka, Director of 水果派AVDigital Science and Technology Hub, said: “We have an established track record in several disciplines linked to digital science and technology.

“With this new hub we can be more outward looking, inviting businesses and industries in to establish partnerships with us.

“The constituent research centres of the hub are very much aligned with the Grand Challenges – by grouping these centres together we will be able to address these challenges in a very forward-looking way.”

For further information on the 水果派AVDigital Science & Technology Hub, please visit: brunel.ac.uk/research/Centres/Brunel-Digital-Science-and-Technology-Hub

Reported by:

Tim Pilgrim, Media Relations
+44 (0)1895 268965