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Superdiversity and Occupational Therapy Education

Funder: Elizabeth Casson Trust
Duration: November 2021 - March 2027

This project uses a participatory case study approach to examine how learning in superdiverse environments contributes towards the development of conviviality and critical intercultural responsiveness in the praxis of future healthcare professionals / occupational therapists - and how their learning translates into superdiverse practice settings.


Name Telephone Email Office
Ms Jou Yin Teoh Ms Jou Yin Teoh
Senior Lecturer (Education) in Occupational Therapy
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 267700
E: jouyin.teoh@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267700 jouyin.teoh@brunel.ac.uk Mary Seacole