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水果派AVat the British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2019


The Ageing Studies research theme from the Institute of Environment, Health and Societies at 水果派AVUniversity London was very strongly represented at the 48th British Society of Gerontology conference in Liverpool (10 - 12th July). We sent a strong team of 7 staff to the meeting: Holly Nelson-Becker, Christina Victor, Gabriella Spinelli, Michael Thomas, Wendy Martin, Isla Rippon and Eleanor van den Heuvel. We were joined by two former theme members who have moved to pastures new - Mary Pat Sullivan, now at Nippissing University in Canada and Kimberley Smith of Surrey University who we still collaborate with, and are still part of, our theme.

The diversity and excellence of our research was evident in the two symposia organised by Gabriella Spinelli and Christina Victor and the papers contributed to symposia and paper streams. The range of topics covered was diverse but included user-centred design (Gabriella)  dementia (Isla and Eleanor), loneliness (Christina and Holly), assistive technology and daily life (Wendy), spiritual resilience (Holly) and older gay men (Mike).

We all enjoyed the conference and want to commend the organisers for delivering the conference as scheduled, following the loss of a key venue less than 24 hours before the start.  Also we would like to acknowledge the  support of IEHS in funding the attendance at the conference of Isla and Eleanor and Anna for getting us booked for the right conference and correct train tickets.

 We are looking forward to next year's meeting which is at the University of the West of England.

Christina symp BSG

Holly bsg

Mary-Pat BSG

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Christina BSG

Fab four_opt