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Light Metals Technology Workshop sparks interaction and debate

LMT Workshop 1_2

The Light Metals Technology Workshop, hosted by The EPSRC Centre – LiME, attracted a wide audience including industrial leaders, technical managers and researchers from across the UK.

EPSRC Portfolio Manager, Dr Tony Chapman, “found the workshop very interesting and useful. It was good to see the activities going on in the Centre and see good progress being made in the research programme, as well as lots of interest from industry”.

The extended panel-led discussions in the afternoon gave ample opportunity for discussion and debate on future industry needs and research opportunities for transport applications with a particular emphasis on end-of-life recovery and recycling. Discussion topics included: the future of the alloy design, the need for more magnesium research, UK car recycling and high pressure die-casting research.

An aluminium-intensive All New Range Rover was on display by Jaguar Land Rover and LATEST2 gave attendees a chance to see the Chocolate Impact Tester in action, which received very positive feedback.

Front-line UK research in aluminium and magnesium at the EPSRC Centre-LiME and within the LATEST2 research programme at the University of Manchester was highlighted. Exclusive presentations revealed unique aluminium and magnesium perspectives within automotive and aerospace applications and explored the funding opportunities provided by EPSRC and the Technology Strategy Board.

LATEST2 representatives commented on the success of the workshop, saying “The workshop provided a great opportunity for old contacts to reconnect, and new contacts to be made, which will hopefully lead to future collaborations and some exciting new research”. The workshop is one of four major events this year hosted by The EPSRC Centre - LiME and the BCAST to build and strengthen the UK manufacturing and research communities, aligning academic research to help meet industrial challenges.