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Freedom of Information statistics

In line with best practice recommendations set out in the , we publish quarterly statistics showing our performance on handling requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).

Contact foirequests@brunel.ac.uk or see our guidance for requesters for more information on how we manage our freedom of information obligations. 

Freedom of Information statistics for 2022
2022 Jan-Mar  Apr-JunJul-SeptOct-Dec  Annual Total
Number of requests received  68  44  69  47  228
Number of outstanding requests for this period  0  0  0  1  1
Avg. no. of working days taken to respond  15  15  22 14   17
Number of requests where deadline was extended, or where statutory deadline was exceeded  12  5  35  5  57
Number of requests closed due to lack of valid name or clarification of requirements  1  2  1  1  5
Number of requests withdrawn by requester  4  0  4  4  6
Number of requests where information was disclosed in full  43  35  39  32 149 
Number of requests where information was fully withheld due to exemptions, inc. where we neither confirmed nor denied information was held   8  3  11  2  24
Number of requests refused due to information not being held at all   0  0  0  1  1
Number of requests where information was supplied in part, where held   0  0  0
Number of requests where information was disclosed in part and partially withheld 12   4  17  9 42