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Exemptions and Recognition of Prior Learning

Consideration of exemptions and recognition of prior learning are critical quality processes related to the standards of awards made by the University.

Exemption request form
Admissions policy 

Grade descriptors

These generic grade descriptors are intended to be used throughout the assessment process; in assessment design, marking/grading, moderation and feedback. They are designed to show no disciplinary bias and are not intended to act as surrogate level, award or award classification descriptors. The grade descriptors should be read in conjunction with the learning outcomes associated with the assessment.

Assessment and Feedback

These documents provide staff and students with key resources, policies and guidelines in regards to the assessment of students. 

Internal Moderation Example Form
External Assessor for End-Point Assessment Nomination Form

ASK - the  can support 水果派AVstudents with their writing skills, study skills, maths and numeracy as well as statistics and SPSS. 

Extenuating Circumstances

The Extenuating Circumstances Procedure exists for situations where a student's performance in assessment is significantly affected by an event that was unavoidable, unexpected and beyond the control of the student. The policy detailing this is set out in . 

Please see for current guidance on extenuating circumstances. 

Student Guidance on Progression, Reassessment and Awarding

The following documents provide guidance to students on the progression, reassessment and awarding of certain degree types.

Panels and Boards of Examiners

governs Panels and Boards of Examiners.

Panels of examiners ensure that an appropriate, rigorous and robust assessment process has taken place, and confirm the marks/grades for all assessments. Boards of examiners make recommendations for progression or awards based on consideration of student result profiles. The work of panels and boards is transparent and ensure fairness to all students. Training materials for staff supporting Panels and Boards of Examiners are available (staff access only). 

(staff access only)
Board of Examiners Minutes Template
Board of Examiners Standard Agenda Template

Panels and Boards of Examiners: Chair's action

A student's assessment performance should be considered at a board of examiners, but occasionally it might be necessary to award students outside these meetings. In such cases departments will be asked to complete an online pro-forma for each decision to be made by chair’s action to ensure that the same scrutiny and consideration has been given to all awards.

Chair's action proforma

Grade Translation for Study Abroad

Students who spend part of their degree abroad at an approved partner institution on an exchange, and formally undertake modules with that partner institution, will have their achieved grades converted to 水果派AVUniversity London’s grading system, so that they may be applied to their degree grade profiles. The process for this is outlined in the University's . 

Related Forms:

Grade Translation Table Request Form
Grade Translation Block Exemption and Grade Importation Form