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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Still couldn't find the answer you were looking for? We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions which we hope will help.

Should I disclose that I am disabled to the university?

We strongly recommend that you do because if we know that you are disabled,  we can make you aware of the range of support that we can offer and that you may need to help you achieve your full potential.

Who sees my personal information?

Unless you agree that we can, we never pass on any information. If you agree that we can, only the necessary information will be passed on to ensure you receive the support you need. One of our disability advisers will explain what support you are entitled to and who needs to know about it.

Is my condition considered to be a 'disability'?

The Equality Act (2010) defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Anyone with a condition (medical, mental health, physical or sensory impairment) or specific learning difficulty which fulfils this definition could be considered to be disabled.

If I'm asked to give evidence that I am disabled, what evidence is required?

A letter from a medical professional such as your GP, consultant, or psychiatrist, or a full diagnostic assessment of your specific learning difficulty is considered suitable evidence. If you need exam adjustments we always ask for evidence to ensure we assess the situation fairly.

Will the fact that I am registered with the Disability and Dyslexia Service be stated on my degree certificate?

No, nor will it mention any support you’ve had.

I think I might be dyslexic. How can I find out if I am?

The Disability and Dyslexia Service can arrange for you to have a full assessment following recommendations from one of our specialist advisors.

What happens if I need to take time out from my course?

If you need time away from your course, please discuss this with your personal tutor and  the  student welfare team in the student centre. If needed, they will make an appointment to see a disability adviser. You may be able to have a short period of time away or you may require a longer period of time away (a period of ‘abeyance’).  You can then return to your course when you’re ready.

As a disabled student will I be able to apply for on-campus accommodation after my first year?

Returning students aren’t usually entitled to on-campus accommodation. However, if you feel you  would be disadvantaged because of your disability by not living on campus, it’s something that can be discussed with a disability adviser.

Can I record my lectures?

Most lecture rooms  are now equipped with a recording system and these recordings can be accessed by any student. However, if you use your own device, you must only use the recordings for your own personal study and shouldn’t copy them or pass them on, unless we’ve arranged for someone to write them out for you. It’s courteous to let lecturers know that you’re recording but you don’t have to say why.

Can I have extra time in exams?

If you need extra time in exams then a disability adviser will arrange this for you if the evidence of your disability supports the need for extra time. 

Is my dyslexia taken into account when my exams and assessments are marked?

No, because the support that’s put in place is designed to make sure that you can produce work to the best of your ability by minimising the impact of your difficulties. For this reason all work and exams are marked anonymously.

Will Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA) pay for my tuition fees or living costs?

No, the DSA will only pay for the extra costs that are a direct result of your support needs.

Can I get a free laptop or voice recorder?

If your funding body approves your DSA application, you’ll be asked to go for a needs assessment at an approved centre. Here you’ll discuss your difficulties and the support that might help. The assessor then writes a report and lists what you’ll need, which might include a laptop and voice recorder. If it recommends a desktop instead of a laptop, you can ask your funding body if you can pay the extra cost.

How do I pay for the extra photocopying I'll need?

Some of the things that are recommended at your needs assessment (such as extra photo-copying, printer cartridges etc) have to be paid for upfront. Keep all the receipts to send to your funding body so that you can claim the money back.

Does the Disability and Dyslexia Service offer drop-in support?

No, we don't offer drop-in support. However, we work closely with our student welfare team in the student centre who may be able to help or will  endavour to find the closest possible time for an appointment. We also have a duty advisor for emergencies at the student centre.