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Random Matrix Theory 2010

VI BRUNEL Workshop on RMT

Friday 17 & Saturday 18 December 2010


The aim of this 2-day workshop is to discuss current developments in Random Matrix Theory, its applications, and related topics. The programme will have talks by the invited speakers and a poster session. Applications to participate, especially from junior researchers, are welcome and should be directed to any of the organisers.

The programme of the workshop will include the following topics:

  • Orthogonal polynomials and asymptotic analysis
  • Semi-classical approaches and universality
  • Wave transport in chaotic systems and random media
  • Applications to Finance, Statistical Mechanics, etc.

Deadline for requesting participation is 1 December 2010.

A registration fee of £40 (£20 for students) applies to all workshop participants.

Invited speakers:

Benjamin BÉRI (Cambridge), Eugène BOGOMOLNY (Orsay), Jean-Philippe BOUCHAUD (Paris), Isaac PÉREZ CASTILLO (King’s), Yang CHEN (Imperial), François DAVID (Saclay), Maurice DUITS (Caltech), Bertrand EYNARD (Saclay), Jack KUIPERS (Regensburg), Man YU MO (Bristol), Fernando METZ (Leuven), Sebastian MÜLLER (Bristol), Alexander OSSIPOV (Nottingham), Sergej SKIPETROV (Grenoble), Hans WEIDENMÜLLER (Heidelberg)


  • Gernot Akemann
  • Igor Krasovsky
Download poster (PDF format)
