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Professor Danae Manika
Acting Executive Dean - CBASS / Professor - Marketing and Business Education

Eastern Gateway 216

  • Marketing

Membership and affiliation


  • Section Editor: Journal of Business Ethics (section: Marketing Ethics, since 2022)
  • Associate Editor: Business and Society (since 2021)
  • Associate Editor: Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising (since 2021)
  • Past Associate Editor: Journal of Marketing Management (2017-2021)
  • Editorial Advisory Board: Technological Forecasting & Social Change (since 2017)
  • Editorial Board: Journal of Marketing Management (since 2021)
  • Editorial Review Board: Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Area: Advertising (since 2019)
  • Past Editorial Board: Journal of Business Ethics (2021-2022)
  • Past Editorial Review Board: Business & Society (2020-2021)
  • Guest Editor: Journal of Business Research, Special Issue on “Hypocrisy in Corporate and Individual Social Responsibility: Causes, Consequences and Implications”.
  • Guest Editor: Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Special Issue on “Digitalization Adding Value to Healthcare”.
  • Guest Editor: Journal of Marketing Management, Special Issue on “Advancing Spillover Research: Behavioural, Contextual & Temporal Approaches”.
  • Guest Editor: Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Special Issue on "Psychological Perspectives on Technological Innovations".
  • Guest Editor: European Journal of Marketing, Special Issue on "Psychological Perspectives on Consumer Obesity"
  • Guest Editor: Journal of Business Ethics, Special Issue on "Ethical Issues in Family Business"
  • Past Member of Cancer Research UK’s Catalyst Award Committee (September 2016 – March 2019) Reviewing funding applications; Research Specialty: Behavioural Insights.
  • Past Member of Cancer Research UK’s Pioneer Award Committee (June 2015 – March 2019) Reviewing funding applications; Research Specialty: Behavioural Insights.


  • American Marketing Association
  • Academy of Marketing Science
  • European Marketing Association
  • Transformative Consumer Research
  • Advances for Consumer Research
  • American Academy of Advertising
  • European Social Marketing Association
  • International Communication Association
  • British Academy of Management

CONSULTING - Selected Examples:

  • RECOUP Recycling (2021- 2022)
  • Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council (2021-2022)
  • Harrow Council (2020-2021)
  • Project Happy Notes (2019 – 2022)
  • Centre for Health Communications Research & Excellence at Bucks University (2016- 2018).
  • Global Action Plan, London, UK (2012-2017)
  • Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition (Dec. 2008-May 2009).


  • External examiner at University of Leeds (2020 until 2022/2023) External for Programme: MA in Advertising and Marketing
  • External examiner at University of Surrey (2018/19 until 2021/2022) Lead external examiner for postgraduate programmes & external for MBA, MSc Marketing Management programmes