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Dr Fabio Simonetti
Lecturer in European Politics and History

  • Politics and History
  • Social and Political Sciences

Simonetti, F. (2022) 'Invasion, Liberation and Occupation: British Soldiers’ Wartime Encounters in Sicily', in Bamford, A. (ed.) One Hundred Years of Army Historical Research. Warwick : Helion & Company Limited. pp. 271 - 296. ISBN 10: 1-80451-286-9. ISBN 13: 978-1-80451-286-9.

Book chapter

Simonetti, F. (2020) 'The Landings in Sicily: Soldiers’ and Civilians’ Perception of a Wartime Encounter', in Moscow : Political Encyclopedia Publisher. , Wars in History - Acts of the Conference. pp. 380 - 383.

Book chapter

Simonetti, F. (2020) ''. Status Quaestionis / Language Text Culture, 18. pp. 171 - 187.

Journal article

Simonetti, F. (2020) 'Shaping Each Other: British and Italian Depictions of the Enemy (1935-1943)', in Colacicco, T. (ed.) Fascism and Anti-fascism in Great Britain. Pisa, Italy : Pacini. pp. 221 - 241. ISBN 10: 88-6995-698-9. ISBN 13: 978-88-6995-699-7.

Book chapter

Simonetti, F. (2016) 'Via Tasso. Quartier generale e carcere tedesco durante l'occupazione di Roma'. Rome: Odradek. ISSN 10: 88-96487-55-2 ISSN 13: 978-88-96487-55-6


Simonetti, F. and Ricciardi, C. (2015) 'Il ragazzo con i baffi. Lettere dal fronte russo'. Rome: Il Mio Libro. ISSN 10: 88-910-9747-0 ISSN 13: 978-88-910-9747-7
