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Professor Habin Lee
Divisional Lead / Professor

Eastern Gateway 202j

  • Innovation and Sustainability


  • Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 12/2020
  • Information Systems Management
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 10/2018
  • Korea Knowledge Management Research
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 01/2016
  • Korean Information Systems Review
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 01/2016
  • Journal of the Aviation Management Society of Korea
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 03/2015
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 01/2015
  • Korea IT Service Journal
    Publication type: Journal article
    Date: 01/2009

Committee membership

  • Korea Aviation Management Association Executive Board
    Committee role: Director
    Date: 02/2016
  • LG-CNS KrAIS post ICIS workshop 2015 Program Committee
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 12/2014
  • ICIS 2015 eBusiness and eGovernment Track, Associate Editor
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 12/2014
  • LG-CNS KrAIS post ICIS workshop 2016
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 12/2015
  • AMCIS 2015 eGovernment Track co-chair
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 09/2014
  • EMCIS 2015 Track Co-Chair of Green Information Systems
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 07/2014
  • LG-CNS KrAIS post ICIS workshop 2013 co-chair
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 12/2012
  • PACIS 2013 social media and business impacts track co-chair
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 09/2012
  • International Workshop on Advanced Service Management program committee
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 09/2011
  • Adaptive Computing (and Agents) for Enhanced Collaboration program committee
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 05/2010