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Dr Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt
Vice Dean Research (CBASS) / Reader

Marie Jahoda 220

  • Politics
  • Politics and History
  • Social and Political Sciences

Research area(s)

  • Comparative European politics (especially Polish, German and French politics)
  • Borders and cross-border cooperation
  • Political communication
  • Corruption perceptions

Research Interests

My research interests cover several aspects of contemporary European politics and policy. First, I am interested in the regional and spatial dimensions of European politics, including citizen relations across national borders, cross-border cooperation and regional development policy. Second, I have a broad interest in the way that politicians justify and communicate their ideas about political institutions and practices in party manifestos or parliamentary debates. Third, I am working on a collaborative research project that examines perceptions of politicians' ethical conduct in Britain, France and Germany. I have a special interest in Polish, German and French politics but am also interested in broader political developments in post-communist Europe. 

My research has been funded by the ESRC, the British Academy, the Polish-German Science Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Research grants and projects

Research Projects

Project details

Euroregion Spree-Neisse-Bober #Partner2022 - Expanding cross-border partnerships in Euroregion Spree-Neisse-Bober August – November 2020 (consultancy contract)


British Academy Testing a new contextual theory of cross-border integration in Poland £9,620 April 2016 – September 2017 Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt (PI)

Euroregion Spree-Neisse-Bober Initiating, supporting and developing cross-border cooperation in Euroregion Spree-Neisse-Bober August 2017 – November 2019 (consultancy contract)

Polish-German Science Foundation Evaluation of EU-funded Small Projects €10,000 May 2013 – June 2014 Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt (CI)

British Academy Attitudes towards political ethics and misconduct in France £7,500 July 2011 – June 2013 Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt (CI)

Special Research Institute(s)