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Miss Luana De Abreu Queirós Osório


Doctoral Researcher at 水果派AVUniversity London working on the validation of a 3D microfluidic tool also known as Organ-on-a-Chip. The main focus of the research is to validate two models: BOC (Breast-on-a-chip) for the testing of endocrine disruptors and their correlation with Breast Cancer, and VOC (Vagina-on-a-chip) for the study of bacterial vaginosis. Furthermore, the development of the microfluidic device entitles the research and manufacturing of polymeric scaffolds that can emulate tissue specifications. These models aim to achieve a cost-effective alternative to animal testing, reducing the lengthy drug development process.

Background includes:- BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences at Beira Interior University, Portugal;- MSc Biomedical, Genetics and Tissue Engineering at 水果派AVUniversity with Merit;