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Dr Paula Zwozdiak-Myers
Reader in Education

Gaskell Building 222

Research area(s)

Paula has steered a large-scale research study across five counties in England to investigate how continuity and progression from primary to secondary school is facilitated, and contributed toward the publication of research outcomes to national and European audiences. She is currently working with colleagues from 7 other HEIs to investigate the knowledge, skills and understanding of trainees, mentors and tutors in relation to Lesson planning.

Research Interests

Paula’s main research interest is to create Learning Pathways, which capture Reflective Practice for Professional Development in student, early career and experienced teachers within her innovative framework designed to structure evidence informed practice. Other research interests include: Models of effective Partnership working in ITE; Mentor training, support and accreditation; Removing barriers to achievement; Interpersonal relationships and Communication skills; Management and Leadership skills; Continuing Professional Development; Links between ICT Advanced Skills Teachers’ [AST] and ITE as well as harnessing the use of new technologies and resources to scaffold and accelerate learning. Her book commissioned by Routledge and entitled The Teacher’s Reflective Practice Handbook: Becoming an extended professional through capturing evidence-informed practice consolidates much of the work generated from her own PhD research.


Zwozdiak-Myers, P. The Teacher\'s Reflective Practice Handbook. Becoming an extended professional through capturing evidence-informed practice. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-59758-6

The Teacher\'s Reflective Practice Handbook is an essential source of advice, guidance and ideas for both students and practising teachers. Helping you to translate pedagogical knowledge into practice, this handbook guides you through studying your own teaching for personal development, evaluating your lessons through classroom research, and enhancing the quality of pupil learning. It offers an innovative framework which serves to prepare you for the challenges and complexities of the classroom environment, and supports the continuing improvement of your teaching.

Underpinned by key theoretical concepts and contemporary research within the field of education, chapters help you to:

  • systematically evaluate your teaching through classroom research procedures
  • question personal theories and beliefs, and consider alternative perspectives and possibilities
  • try out new strategies and ideas to maximise the learning potential of all students
  • enhance the quality of, and continue to improve your teaching.

Including a range of reflective tasks, links to online resources, exemplification material and further reading to help you d

Research grants and projects

Project details

2011 [ongoing] Lesson Planning study with 7 other HEIs – led by Ë®¹ûÅÉAVUniversity

2010-2011 Links between ICT Advanced Skills Teachers and ITT, TDA funded

2010-2011 Scaling up Models of Teacher Education: Reflective Practice for Professional Development, UCET Research Collaborative Network

2009-2010 Literature Review: Effective ITE partnership working, TDA funded

2009 CPD Leadership in 21st Society – accredited MA module, TDA funded

2009 ICT for Future Teachers, workshops to create vision for the future, Becta funded

2009 Reviewing and developing the SEN portal and guidance for trainee teachers, TDA funded