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Dr Raffaella Valsecchi

Eastern Gateway 104a

  • Organisations and People


The management of health and well-being at work

The impact of technology on the labour process in health organisations.

Community Wellbeing


Flexible work


Research supervision

PhD supervision completed:

  • Bo Gao; ‘Exploring intra-gender ambition and competition for women leaders work for accounting firms in China’ (started in December 2017, 2nd Supervision with Dr Elisabetta Barone, started November 2017, awarded 10th February 2020)
  • Dr Rachel Morgan ‘Managing disrespect in tainted occupations: An ethnographic investigation into the recognition experiences of dirty workers and the strategies they use to cope with disrespect’  (started in March 2014 part-time, 1st Supervisor, awarded in November 2019 with no corrections).
  • Dr Amal Qassim: ‘Negative emotions in change: an exploratory study of academics’ negative emotional experiences during university change in Saudi Arabia and in the UK’ (started in October 2013; 1st Supervisor, awarded May 2018).
  •  Dr Noorhasymah Ismail: ‘Implementation of the Work-Family Balance Practices in the Malaysian Oil & Gas Companies’( started in 2014, 1st Supervisor, awarded April 2018).
  •  Quamra Aloman: ‘Occupational Stress and Work Life Balance in the Public sector in Saudi Arabia’. (started in October 2013, 1st Supervisor, awarded March 2017).
  •  Dr Malak Abunar: ‘Factors that Influence Decision Makers towards the Process of Talent Identification’. (2nd Supervisor, awarded in October 2014).
  •  Dr Rachana Patni: ‘Emotional Fools and dangerous Robots: Postcolonial Engagement with Emotional Management’ (2nd Supervisor, awarded in February 2011).
  •  Dr Elizabeth Shaw: ‘Towards a Theory of Entrepreneurship: the Significance and Meaning of Performance and Emotion Management Entrepreneurs’. (2nd Supervisor, awarded in February 2011).