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Dr Sharon Lockyer
Associate Dean – Equality & Diversity (Students) / Reader - Sociology & Communications

Marie Jahoda 218

  • Social Science and Communications
  • Social and Political Sciences


PhD enquires are welcome in the areas of critical comedy studies; media, gender and class; media disability studies; media controversies from both quantitative and qualitative methodological perspectives.

Research supervision

Post-doctoral Supervision to Completion 

  • funded by an Endeavour Research Fellowship (Australian Government), 2015-2016
  • : funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), 2016-2018

PhD Supervision to Completion    

  • : Women, Comedy and Liberation: An Analysis of Representation of Second-Wave Feminism in the American Sitcom Genre 1970-2000; awarded 2020. Recipeint of the Vice Chancellor's Award for Doctoral Research 2021.
  • Adel Aldawsari: The Humor-Related Role of English Code-Switching in Arabic Scripted Monologic Acts (Texas A&M University-Commerce, Texas); awarded 2019
  • : The Role of Humour in the Evolution of Hominid Cognition and the Emergence of Language; awarded 2019
  • : Body Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Sexualisation of Popular Culture and the Rise of Lads’ Mags; awarded 2017
  • Ghalib Al-Abadi: Re-Building a Nation-state: Iraq’s Reconstruction After Saddam; awarded 2017

Current PhD Supervision

  • Psychoanalysis and Improvisation Comedy
  • Homelessness in Sitcoms
  • Trans and Disability
  • Arts-based Research, Communication Theory and Identity Politics