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Dr Simon Weaver

Marie Jahoda 203

  • Social Science and Communications
  • Social and Political Sciences

Membership and affiliation

  • Member of the British Sociological Association (BSA) from 2003
  • Member of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS) from 2005
  • Member of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) from 2012
  • Member of the Centre for Comedy Studies Research (CCSR), 水果派AVUniversity London, from 2013
  • Member of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) from 2015
  • Member of the Centre for Global Lives (CGL), 水果派AVUniversity London, from 2017

Media interests

Simon discussing 20 years of The Office

Can comedy bring leavers and remainers together: 

Simon on BBC One Sunday Politics South West discussing 'just joking' and offensive humour: 

Is Brexit funny? 

An interesting article on studies of offensive humour: Weaver, S. & K. Morgan (2017) ‘What is the point of offensive humour’, The Conversation. 9th May. Available at [].

Coverage of a symposium organised as a part of a research project on Sacha Baron Cohen: Grove, J. ‘Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen to be focus of academic symposium’, Times Higher Education, 4th January 2015, [].

Simon Weaver discussing anti-racist comedy of black comedians on BBC Radio Four, Thinking Allowed, 10th March 2010, available at []