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Dr Srivatsan Lakshminarayan
Senior Lecturer (Education) in Accountancy

Marie Jahoda 260

  • Accountancy and Finance

Membership and affiliation

Member of British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA)

Member of European Accounting Association (EAA)

Expert volunteer on the community of experts associated with providing inputs to EFRAG as part of wider due process on the development of ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) for Listed SMEs (January 2023 onwards)

Comment letter submissions to the International Accounting Standards Board on:

a) Exposure Draft on Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions (April 2020)

b) Exposure Draft on Interest Rate Benchmark Reform - Phase 1 (June 2019)

c) Exposure Draft on Supplier Finance Arrangements (March 2022)

d) Exposure Draft: Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity - Proposed amendments to IAS 31, IFRS 7 and IAS 1 (March 2024)