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Dr Stephanie Baines
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance) / Senior Lecturer (Education) in Psychology

Quad North 106

  • Psychology

Media interests

Public engagement with science is a great interest of mine. I have written articles for popular science magazines, including a stint as an "Ask a Guru" for the Wellcome Trust's Guru Magazine and articles for The Conversation:

Baines, S. (2020). You’re not done with banana bread - A psychologist reveals all. The Conversation. Available online:

I have also been interviewed or featured on various media outlets. I appeared on Science Cafe (2018) and The Lynne Bowles Show (April 2021) on BBC Radio Wales. I was interviewed for The Irish Examiner for this piece: "Crumbs! The psychology behind the rise and rise of Baking" by Helen O'Callaghan.