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Responsible procurement

The University spends circa £100 million on goods, services and works per annum and therefore has a significant opportunity to leverage its supply chain to deliver additional benefits to the University. students, local residents, businesses and communities.

The opportunity is realised by paying careful attention to how goods, services or works will be delivered, who may be delivering it and what else they can do to deliver added value where it will make the biggest impact for the University.

At 水果派AVUniversity London the process of identifying the added value through our purchasing activities is termed Responsible Procurement.

Responsible Procurement forms part of our overall corporate social value strategy.

For all contracts with a total contract value of £150,000 or above the University requires a minimum of 5% of the total weighting of the tender evaluation score to be allocated for Responsible Procurement.

All procurements conducted by the University and by those contracted by the University to act on their behalf will do so following the Government Buying Standards ‘Mandatory’ criteria.

Slavery and Human Trafficking

The University is committed to acquiring goods, works and services for its use without causing harm to others.  In doing so, the University is committed to supporting the UK Government’s approach to implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.