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The members of the Centre for Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine (CIRTM) comprise Principal Investigators and their groups, Associate Members and Professional Services Staff.

Researchers within the Centre for Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine (CIRTM). 

Professor Felicity Gavins Professor Felicity Gavins
Email Professor Felicity Gavins Professor - Pharmacology
Felicity read Pharmacology at the University of Sunderland, where she also embarked on an industrial placement year at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in Slough. After completing her BSc (Hons), she moved to London to study for a Ph.D. in Pharmacology at Queen Mary University London, supported by the British Heart Foundation (BHF). Felicity was then awarded a BHF Junior Research Fellowship to undertake further research both in the UK and the USA. In 2007 Felicity joined Imperial College London to take up a Lectureship position in the Centre for Integrative Mammalian Physiology and Pharmacology (CIMPP). This was shortly followed by a senior lectureship and the appointment to Deputy Head of The Centre of Neurodegeneration & Neuroinflammation. In 2013 she accepted an academic position in the USA at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport (LSUHSC-S) and was appointed Director of The Small Animal Imaging Facility. Felicity is a Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society and of the Royal Society of Biology. She joined 水果派AVUniversity London in August 2019 as Professor of Pharmacology and Royal Society Wolfson Fellow, and is the Director of The Centre for Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine (CIRTM). Throughout her academic career, Felicity has worked with and served on numerous national and international research councils, medical charities and learned societies. She has published widely in her field and received a number of awards and honours for her work. She has received funding for her research from a range of funders including: the Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation (RSWF), the British Heart Foundation (BHF), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the American Heart Association (AHA), and the National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH/NHLBI). Felicity continues to be actively involved in public and patient organizations which has been immensely instructive for her research. She is also dedicated to promoting mentoring and collaborative research, along with facilitating mentoring of post-doctoral fellows/early-career investigators. Inflammation Thrombosis (arterial and venous) Resolution of inflammation Immune mediated responses in normal and pathological conditions Neutrophil-Platelet interactions Ischaemia reperfusion injury (I/RI) Healthy ageing Formyl Peptide Receptors (FPRs) Annexin A1 Biology Sickle Cell Disease Inflammation in Cancer Pre-clinical imaging Drug discovery and resolution biologics Novel drug delivery systems e.g Nanocarriers The principle focus of my research is elucidate and understand the complex roles played by immune cells in vascular inflammation and thrombosis. The aim of my research it to design tailored next generation therapeutics for inflammatory pathologies that temper inflammation and enhance resolution. Within the continuum of an inflammatory response, the objective of my research is to study the role of the microvasculature as a dynamic-interface between circulating blood cells and immune cells (such as neutrophils and platelets) and tissue. My lab focuses on how circulating cells communicate, adhere and migrate across the endothelium and the pathways by which these circulating and resident cells can render systemic inflammatory responses and alter local inflammatory and thrombotic states. By targeting the pathophysiology of endogenous pro-resolving pathways such as the Annexin A1-Formyl Peptide Receptor (AnxA1-FPR) pathway, we hope to identify novel and innovative anti-inflammatory therapeutics for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerbrovascular diseas The research in my laboratory crosses the boundaries between Integrative physiology and pharmacology and uses multidisciplinary approaches to advance understanding of the vascular physiology and pathophysiology of inflammatory and related disorders, at the molecular, cellular, tissue and whole organism levels. To achieve this goal, we use a technological toolbox compromising of various experimental in-silico, in-vitro and in-vivo systems and advanced imaging modalities (including confocal intravital microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]; positron emission tomography [PET], and in-vivo imaging systems [IVIS]), coupled with multi-omics approaches to dissect the contribution of neutrophils and platelets in inflammation, thrombosis and vascular dysfunction. Development of research students and post-doctoral fellows/early career researchers. Dedicated to promoting mentoring and ensuring equality and diversity. Teaching Responsibilities: BB3091 Final Year Project (Block lead) BB5604 MSc Dissertation Research Project BB3802 Problem Solving and Data Analysis BB3801 Scientific Communication BB2802 Primary literature interrogation & synthesis BB2803 Data Evaluation and Reporting BB2555 Work Placement BB1700 Tutoring BB2700 Tutoring BB3700 Tutoring

Professor Claire Turner Professor Claire Turner
Email Professor Claire Turner Pro Vice Chancellor - Education
Claire Turner is an interdisciplinary scientist with a BSc in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Natal and a PhD in Biochemical Engineering from UCL. Her aim is to enable all our students to have an excellent education and student experience irrespective of their background and circumstances. She is very interested in innovations in pedagogy and how we can use these in improving the student experience. She was previously at The Open University where she taught Analytical Science, and interdisciplinary science. Her research is focussed around the analysis of volatile organic compounds, applied to diverse field as non-invasive disease dignosis and environmental monitoring.
Dr Su-ling Li Dr Su-ling Li
Email Dr Su-ling Li Honorary Reader
Qualifications: · 1983 MD, Suzhou Medical University, China. · 1994 Ph.D, Department of Immunopathology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Academic Appointments · 1995-1996: Post-Doctor, Department of Clinical Virology, Karolinska Institute, · 1996-2000: Assistant Professor, and then Associate Professor since 2000, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Lund University, Sweden · 2001-2005: Lecturer, Division of Biosciences, 水果派AVUniversity London · 2009-2014: Division Director of Biosciences, 水果派AVUniversity London · 2005-present: Reader in Immunology, Division of Biosciences, 水果派AVUniversity London, Immunology Antigen presentation and vaccines Autoimmune disease and inflammation Regulation of adaptive immune response Tumor immunology Immunology Teaching interests: Adaptive immunology; Cancer Immunology; Pathology; Vaccine; Biotechnologies, including Microarray, RNA seq, Chip Seq, Transgenic mouse models, technology in drug discovery.
Professor Ronan Mccarthy Professor Ronan Mccarthy
Email Professor Ronan Mccarthy Professor in Biomedical Sciences
Ronan gained his Bachelor of Science in Genetics with first class honours from University College Cork, Ireland in 2010 and was awarded the title of College Scholar. In autumn 2010, Ronan was awarded an Irish Research Council PhD Scholarship to study novel biofilm inhibition strategies against the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lab of Professor Fergal O’Gara. In 2014, Ronan joined the research group of Professor Alain Filloux at the MRC Centre for Bacteriology and Infection at Imperial College London. As a Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ronan interrogated the second messenger signalling cascades that govern the biofilm mode of growth in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Following on from his time at Imperial College Ronan joined the Microbiology Department at the Animal and Plant Health Agency where he used host transcriptomics and pathway analysis to profile the host response to infection. He joined the Biosciences Division in 水果派AVUniversity to continue his analysis of the regulatory networks that govern pathogenicity, antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation in the Gram negative opportunistic pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. In 2021, Ronan was awarded a BBSRC New Investigator Award to study the regulation of desiccation tolerance and biofilm formation in Acinetobacter baumannii and to identify compounds that could disrupt these survival mechanisms. He has also expanded into the field of biofilm engineering, using synthetic biology approaches to give control over bacterial biofilm formation and using these tools to tackle environmental challenges such as plastic waste. As a PI he has secured funding from the BBSRC, NC3Rs, Academy of Medical Sciences, Horizon 2020, British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Innovate UK, NERC and the Medical Research Council. My research focuses on Profiling key signalling pathways that play a role in chronic bacterial infection and antibiotic resistance. Studying interactions that occur at the host-pathogen interface using integrated ‘omics approaches. Understanding the protective role of the microbiome in an infection setting. Assessing the ability of old drugs to be repurposed to inhibit bacterial infection Opportunities for PhD Study Enquires are welcome from those who are keen to pursue PhD and MSc degrees. Joint supervision, industry partnerships and collaborative research opportunities are also very welcome.
Dr Raha Pazoki Dr Raha Pazoki
Email Dr Raha Pazoki Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences
Raha Pazok MD PhD FHEA is a medical doctor and an epidemiologist. She studied Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) and in the University of Amsterdam. She worked with various cohort and case control studies such as the Arrhythmia Genetics in the Netherlands (AGNES), the Rotterdam Study, the Airwave Health Monitoring Study and the UK Bio bank. In 2016, she joined the Department of Epidemiology and Bio-statistics at Imperial College London as a Research Associate. In 2020, she started a Teaching & Research academic position at 水果派AVUniversity London. Dr Pazoki specializes in the field of health data research, with a primary focus on the epidemiology of cardiometabolic diseases. She holds a particular interest in exploring causal inference and precision medicine by leveraging genomics and extensive health data sets with sample sizes exceeding 500,000 individuals. Her expertise spans various domains, including precision medicine, global health, interventions, and the application of artificial intelligence for predicting health outcomes. She harbors a keen interest in identification of the relationship between circulating molecules and biomarkers, nutrition, lifestyle choices, genetic factors, and their collective contribution to the modulation of health risk factors and outcomes. She was the first to identify 517 novel genetic loci associated with liver enzymes and the first to show the causal effect of liver dysfunction on cardiovascular diseases. In addition, she is the first to show the effect of the alcohol consumption WDPCP gene in lipid metabolism, and liver cirrhosis. (Genetic) Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases Big Data Genome-wide Association Studies Genetic risk scores Mendelian Randomization Machine Learning Dr Paozki is a founder and director of the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research Group hosting researchers and academics across 水果派AVuniversity with direct or indirect research interest involving cardiometabolic aetiology, prevention, and health. We work in various areas to identify causes of cardiometabolic diseases (environmental, lifestyle, molecular, and clinical) and provide insight into how they interplay. We use the information for better prevention of cardiometabolic diseases in the community. If you are a MSc graduates (with upper second class degree or higher) in the relevant field to the above research area, please contact Dr Raha Pazoki (raha.pazoki@brunel.ac.uk). Postgraduate fees and funding | 水果派AVUniversity London or Scholarships and Bursaries | 水果派AVUniversity London and Other funding | 水果派AVUniversity London
Dr Jacqueline Cliff Dr Jacqueline Cliff
Email Dr Jacqueline Cliff Senior Lecturer in Biosciences
Jackie read Physiological Sciences at the University of Oxford, followed by an MSc in the Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. She then moved to the National Institute for Medical Research for her PhD, where she investigated the role of cytokines in B cell activation and differentiation with Dr Gerry Klaus. Jackie worked with Prof Hazel Dockrell at LSHTM (1999-2022), mainly studying immune responses in tuberculosis and how these could be utilised to assess responses to antibiotic treatment. More recently, her research has also encompassed comorbidities such as diabetes in tuberculosis, and expanded to include the role of the infection and immunity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Jackie joined 水果派AVUniversity in March 2022, combining her research in the Biosciences Division with her teaching within the Medical School. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Long COVID Tuberculosis Type 2 diabetes Treatment-response Biomarkers Jackie’s main research interests are in infectious diseases, and particularly how chronic conditions affect immune responses to pathogens. A substantial part of Jackie’s research has been investigating immune responses in people with tuberculosis, and specifically how altered blood gene expression can be utilised for tuberculosis diagnosis and drug treatment monitoring: this is beneficial for clinical management and for the development of new drugs. In a multicentre study, her research group also found that people with type 2 diabetes have excessive inflammatory responses in tuberculosis but suppressed specific protective immune responses, which may underpin their recognised enhanced susceptibility to tuberculosis disease. We are currently using macrophage in vitro models to further understand protective immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and how this is affected in diabetes. This could lead to host-directed therapy in this group of people, alongside conventional antibiotic treatment. Jackie has also been investigating immunological changes in people living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), a poorly understood condition estimated to affect around 125,000 people in the UK, often leading to severe disability. It is frequently triggered by viral infection, and there are substantial overlaps in symptomology with people with Long COVID, including severe fatigue, post-exertional symptom exacerbation and brain fog. We have found alterations in the T cell compartment in people with ME/CFS, and also preliminary evidence of enhanced reactivation of some human herpesviruses, which are highly prevalent in the adult population but usually well-controlled. Medicine MBBS Academic Content Expert Immunology Y1 and Y2 Medicine MBBS House Tutor – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Dr Anthony Tsolaki Dr Anthony Tsolaki
Email Dr Anthony Tsolaki Senior Lecturer/UG Admissions Tutor
Qualifications: DPhil, University of Oxford, 1999 MSc, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1994 BSc (Hons), Biochemistry, University of North London, 1993 Academic Appointments September 2006 - Present Lecturer, 水果派AVUniversity London September 2004 - August 2006, Post Doctoral Fellow, Imperial College London May 2000 - July 2004 Post Doctoral Fellow, Stanford University May 1999 - May 2000 University of California, Berkeley Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis Host-pathogen interactions in tuberculosis Molecular evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mechanisms of genomic variability in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Microbial genomics Innate Immunity in tuberculosis Infection Teaching Responsibilities: BB2716 Medical Microbiology BB3716 Microbial Pathogenesis BB2805 Biomedical Sciences
Dr Steven Smith Dr Steven Smith
Email Dr Steven Smith Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences
Steven obtained a B.Sc. in Medical Sciences from the University of Leeds and received a Ph.D. for a project at the Cancer Medicine Research Unit at St. James's University Hospital, Leeds, investigating the CD8 T-cell stimulating properties of a DNA vaccine encoding multiple, melanoma-associated epitopes. Following a post-doctoral position at the Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research in which he examined the role of auto-reactive CD8 T-cells and T-cell regulation in the context of joint inflammation, he joined the group of Prof. Hazel Dockrell at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where he investigated the cellular immune response to BCG vaccination and more generally with immune mechanisms that might provide protection against tuberculosis infection and disease. Steven joined the Division of Biosciences in January 2020. I am is interested in understanding which immune response elements are responsible for protection against infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB, as well as those which prevent the development of active TB disease. Although it provides incomplete protection against TB, there is much to be learnt from the immune response to the BCG vaccine which in certain circumstances, may be effective. Although traditionally seen as T-cell-mediated, recent times have seen an increased interested in the role of B-cells and antibodies as well as potentially long-lived innate cells in immune protection against TB. As BCG is known to impact upon each of these immune compartments, each or all could have a role in protection. In collaboration with teams at the MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Unit in Uganda, the International Tuberculosis Research Center, Korea and Institut Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, I use samples from BCG-vaccinated individuals, a variety of in vitro cellular models of innate and adaptive immune responses and analytical methods such as functional bacterial inhibition assays, multiparameter flow cytomtry, ELISA/Luminex and DNA methylation analysis to probe questions such as: the phenotype and function of BCG-vaccine-induced T-cells the potential for BCG-"trained" monocytes to protect against TB the role of metabolic intermediates in BCG-induced trained immunity and the potential for these to enhance vaccine effectiveness the use of immunological biomarker assays to monitor responses in patients and in vaccine trials against TB in different settings Immunological biomarkers of protection against tuberculosis BCG vaccination Innate/adaptive immunity
Professor Arturo Sala Professor Arturo Sala Trained in Biochemistry and Cellular Biology at the University of Rome and the Italian National Institute of Health, I completed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” on the topic of DNA and RNA methylation in relation to muscle cell differentiation. After a short postdoctoral training in the National Institute of Health in Rome, I won an international post-doctoral fellowship from the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) and moved to the Kimmel Cancer Institute, Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia. Working in the laboratory of Prof. Bruno Calabretta, I was the first to characterize the transcription factor and oncoprotein B-MYB and establish its relationship with key tumour suppressor genes, such as p53 and retinoblastoma family members. In 2001 I was recruited by the UCL Institute of Child Health as Senior Lecturer and later promoted to Reader. In UCL I continued to pursue the study of oncogenic transcription factors in the context of neuroblastoma, a childhood tumour affecting the peripheral nervous system. I was appointed Professor of Translational Cancer Research and Deputy Director of the 水果派AVInstitute of Cancer Genetics and Pharmacogenomics in September 2011. In 2016 I joined the Synthetic Biology Theme in the Institute of Environment, Health and Societes. Neuroblastoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, Friedreich's ataxia Rare cancers; neurodegenerative diseases; Gene and cell therapy Coordinator of the masters' cancer module
Dr Ansar Pathan Dr Ansar Pathan Innate and adaptive immunity Host-pathogen interaction Immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis TB diagnostics Vaccinology
Dr Ashley Houlden Dr Ashley Houlden
Email Dr Ashley Houlden Lecturer in Biosciences
I am a Microbial Ecologist in the Division of Biosciences, within the College of Health and Life Sciences at the University of 水果派AVLondon. My research interests lie in the assessment of microbial community structure and function using high throughput sequencing and molecular microbiological techniques. Focusing on the Host microbiome their interaction with one another in this community and changes as a result of disease or injury, this characterisation of the communities allows the identification of functionally important changes in microbial assemblages and detection of Antimicrobial Resistance. My research has included work on the impact of stroke, brain injury, parasitic intestinal infections, and dementia on the interactions with the host and its microbiome. One of my Current research focus areas is women's health, I am studying bacterial vaginosis, the interaction of microbes present in the vagina, detection of potential pathogens, and the development of an in-house in vitro model system using Organ on a Chip technology for 3D tissue culture to simulate the vaginal environment. Linked to this I am interested in the impact that space travel and microgravity has on microbial populations and implications for health. I am also interested in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and detection of AMR in bacterial communities with a focus on the environmental impact and ecological implications of this. It is becoming increasing an issue that AMR organisms are colonising animal populations and if these pathogens are accumulated in Apex predators via food chain acquisition. My Doctorial training was in soil microbial ecology carrying out risk assessments and the efficacy of using bacterial biological control agents against fungi diseases of crops in laboratory, glass house and field experiments while at CEH-Oxford/Cardiff University. I then undertook postdoctoral research at The University of Sheffield followed by The University of Manchester continuing research into environmental microbiology looking a biogeochemical cycling of Nitrogen and sulphur. While at Manchester I moved into medical microbiome research as Researcher Co-Investigator on a grant on T. Muris and the impact on the microbiome and host. As a result of this I have formed a number of collaborations involving microbiome research. BB2716 Medical Microbiology (Second Year)
Dr Enrique Castro-Sanchez Dr Enrique Castro-Sanchez
Email Dr Enrique Castro-Sanchez Senior Lecturer in Global Challenges (Planetary Health)
Enrique is the Senior Lecturer in Global Challenges (Planetary Health) at the BASc Global Challenges programme. He gained his degree in Nursing in Spain, and migrated to the UK shortly after to practice in infectious diseases. He received a Diploma in Tropical Nursing and an MSc Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. After a period centred on developing advanced practice roles in tuberculosis and HIV, Enrique worked as Lead Nurse for Research at the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Imperial College London, focused on developing innovations and behaviour change interventions. He completed his PhD in 2015, and received postdoctoral funding to research participation of nurses in antimicrobial stewardship in South Africa and Rwanda, and social determinants of infections. His research funding includes grants from the NIHR, AHRC, ESRC, BRC, and the Florence Nightingale Foundation. In 2016, Enrique was selected as Emerging Leader in International Infectious Diseases by the International Society for Infectious Diseases, and in 2017 he worked as Consultant for the World Health Organisation developing leadership education for national focal persons in infection control, supporting the Core Components in Infection Control. That year, he was also appointed by the NIHR 70@70 Senior Nurse Research Leader programme as one of the 70 nurses in the country selected to increase capacity and capability in research for nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals. In 2020-2022, Enrique held positions at City University and University of West London, and worked as Infection Prevention and Control fellow at the national IPC unit in NHS England/Improvement, developing education for board members and senior IPC nurses, whilst supporting the local, national, and international COVID-19 response. Enrique has been funded to carry out research and provide education in multiple settings, including Pakistan, India, Rwanda, South Africa, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and Spain. He is Editor-in-Chief of Infection Ecology and Epidemiology journal, and collaborates with the European Society of Specialist Organisations in Brussels, advising in IPC and AMR. My research interests include planetary determinants of infectious diseases and drug-resistant infections, including: The influence of the policy environment on antimicrobial stewardship interventions; The effect of health and social inequalities, including limited health literacy, on infection prevention behaviours; Development, implementation, and evaluation of innovative models of care and workforce roles in infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship; and Societal engagement, co-design, and co-production of interventions focused on infections, antimicrobial stewardship, and vaccinations. I am keen to explore multiple research methodologies, including mixed designs, as well as drawing from implementation science, intervention mapping, and realist paradigms. My main research areas are: Planetary health, particularly drug-resistant infections and antimicrobial stewardship, Health diplomacy and political astuteness related to antimicrobial resistance, Professional and societal responses to antimicrobial resistance. I teach on the BASc Global Challenges, particularly the Planetary Health pathway.
Dr Keith Redpath Dr Keith Redpath
Email Dr Keith Redpath Lecturer in Biosciences (Vascular Biology)
Keith graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences, Physiology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 2009. He then moved straight into a PhD in the lab of Prof Graeme Nixon at the University of Aberdeen, investigating how zinc deficiency affects vascular smooth muscle cell signalling within the aorta and carotid arteries. This PhD was part funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). He graduated with his PhD in 2013. Keith then moved to Cardiff, Wales to take up a 5-year BHF funded research associate position in the lab of Prof Valerie O'Donnell investigating specfically how oxidized phospholipids participate in abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). In 2018, Keith then took up a senior research fellow position at the University of Reading, England in the lab of Prof Parveen Yaqoob, it was here that he developed a keen interest in extracellular vesicles and how they signal in vascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease (IHD) and AAA. In January 2023, Keith became a lecturer in vascular biology at 水果派AVUniversity London, England where he aims to develop further his research into extracellular vesicles and vascular diseases. Ischemic heart disease Abdominal aortic aneurysms Coagulation Extracellular vesicles Nutrition and zinc deficiency Inflammation Vascular smooth muscle cell physiology Coagulation and thrombosis Ageing and vascular senescence BB1718- Career Planning & Innovation (Block Lead) BB1805- Biomedical Sciences examination 1 (Block Lead) BB1701- The Human Body: Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
Dr Sam Willcocks Dr Sam Willcocks
Email Dr Sam Willcocks Lecturer in Biosciences (Microbiology & Infectious Diseases)
Sam joined 水果派AVUniversity London as a Lecturer in Biosciences in 2022 from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), where he worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Infection Biology. He previously received his PhD in Innate Immunology at the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2008. In 2018, Sam received an MRC Confidence in Concept Award for the development of a novel class of antimicrobials against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and in 2020 was awarded the Wellcome Translational Accelerator Award to determine their mechanism of action. Sam also holds an Honorary Fellowship at Birkbeck University London and retains strong links with the Antimicrobial Resistance Centre at LSHTM where he was previously Head of Biological and Pharmacological Sciences. My research interests are focussed on: Developing new antimicrobials against mycobacterial species, and using molecular approaches to understand their targets, mechanisms of action and resistance Exploring the repurposing of existing drugs for use as antimicrobials Modelling the role of the host immune system on drug-target interactions in vivo
Dr Camilla Cerutti Dr Camilla Cerutti
Email Dr Camilla Cerutti Lecturer in Inflammation, Ageing and Cancer Biology
Dr Camilla Cerutti is a Lecturer in Inflammation, Ageing and Cancer Biology at 水果派AVUniversity London and visiting researcher at the European Institute of Oncology since 2023. Her research focuses on Vascular and Cancer cell biology in particular on cell-cell interaction and cancer metastasis. Camilla graduated in medical Biotechnology (BSc) at the University of Milan Bicocca in Italy. At the same university she completed a MSc in Industrial Biotechnology-Pharmacogenomic- in 2009 with an ERASMUS final project placement of one year at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Here, she investigated the anti-tumoral effects of cannabinoids on breast cancer via JunD in vitro and via Akt in vivo (Caffarel et al. 2008 and 2010). She completed her PhD in neuro-vascular immunology in 2014 at The Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, studying the role of human brain endothelial microRNAs in leukocyte adhesion in neurodegenerative disorder such as multiple sclerosis. She developed an microfluidic system to model the interaction of human leukocyte with brain endothelial cells under hemodynamic shear forces in vitro (Cerutti et al 2022). She found that human brain endothelial mir-155, mir-126 and mir-126* regulate leukocyte trafficking at the blood-brain barrier in inflammatory conditions (Cerutti et al 2016 and 2017, Wu 2015). Dr Cerutti joined the Ridley`s Lab at KCL, London, as research associate postdoc, where she investigated the role of RhoGTPases in human breast and prostate cancer cells in the interaction with endothelial cells and during metastasis formation (Cerutti et al 2021;and Cerutti et al 2024). This CRUK funded project in collaboration with Prof Muschel Lab at the University of Oxford (Lucotti et al 2019) was further developed as senior research associate postdoc at the University of Bristol leading to find that IQGAP1 and NWASP promote human cancer cell dissemination and metastasis by regulating β1-integrin via FAK and MRTF/SRF. In 2018 she won a Global Research Development Fund from KCL to join Peter Searson Nanobiotechnology Lab at the John Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) to learn the fabrication of 3D perfusable vascular microvessels. In 2020 Camilla was awarded the iCARE-2 MSCA H2020 fellowship as principal investigator of the project -Single-cell epigenetic and molecular signatures in human breast cancer metastasis formation - reintegration fellowship in the host lab of Professor Pier Giuseppe Pelicci at the European Institute of Oncology. Currently, Dr Cerutti lab at 水果派AVUniversity London investigates cancer metastasis mechanisms with 2D and 3D vascular models to study cell-cell interactions by high-content live-cell imaging. Cancer metastasis Organ-specific vasculatures Microfluidic 2D and 3D human vascular models Cell adhesion and migration cell signaling breast and prostate cancer; Endothelial cells blood-brain-barrier vascular inflammation signalling Shear stress High-content Live-cell imaging We are interested to unravel the molecular mechanisms of cell:cell interaction with particular focus on cancer metastasis formation. Teaching: BB3091-Final Year Projects (trimester 1) BB2802&LS2800-Primary Literature Interrogation and Synthesis (trimester 1) BB2704-Molecular and Cellular Biology (trimester 2) BB2708-Data Analysis (week 19) BB3733-Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology (week 25) BB5715 & BB5715 Cancer Biology Machanism and Treatments (week 25) Assessments: BB2555 Work PLacement BB2803- Data Evaluation and Reporting BB2804-Data analysis, Interpretation and Presentation. BB3801-Scientific communication BB3091-Final Year Projects LS2808_CN - Cell Biology Data Evaluation and Reporting - A scientific report
Dr Doreen Lau Dr Doreen Lau
Email Dr Doreen Lau Lecturer in Inflammation, Ageing and Cancer Biology
Dr Doreen Lau is a Lecturer at 水果派AVUniversity London, and a visiting researcher at University of Cambridge. She graduated with a PhD from the University of Cambridge as a Cancer Research UK and Cambridge Trust scholar, focusing on cancer immunology and the clinical translation of molecular imaging techniques and biomarkers for cancer immunotherapy in patients and preclinical models. She received postgraduate training in cancer imaging and pharmacology at Imperial College London, and was a former scientist at the University of Oxford and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore. She was previously a part-time Lecturer in Oxford teaching imaging, disease mechanisms and therapy in cancer, and was the Module Co-lead for cancer immunology. Dr Lau was the recipient of several international prizes for her work in immuno-oncology imaging and experimental medicine. These include the 1st Place William G. Negendank Young Investigator Award by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine for cancer imaging (2018), Women in Molecular Imaging Network Scholar Award by the World Molecular Imaging Society (2019), Top 3 PhD Award by the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2021), and the Merit Travel Grant and Best Poster Award in Immuno-oncology Biomarker Development by the European Society for Medical Oncology (2023). In recognition of her achievements as a young scientist, she was awarded a Junior Research Fellowship in Sciences in 2022 from Wolfson College, University of Oxford. The research focus of Dr Lau's group is immuno-oncology imaging and experimental medicine. Various state-of-the-art platforms for immune cell tracking and whole-body imaging, preclinical models, immuno-profiling, transcriptomics and metabolomics are employed to understand the biological mechanisms involved in anti-tumour immunity, treatment resistance and immune-related adverse events. The aim is to translate these methods and findings into clinical practice in the future for treatment stratification of patients, immunotherapy monitoring and to facilitate drug delivery, screening and target validation of novel immunotherapeutics during the early discovery phase. These have important implications for examining a wide range of chronic inflammation and ageing-related disorders such as cancer, infection and autoimmune diseases. Research Collaboration Open to academic collaboration, industry partnerships and joint PhD supervision. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy, biomarkers, imaging science, biomedical engineering

Professor Veena Kumari Professor Veena Kumari
Email Professor Veena Kumari Professor - Psychology
Professor Veena Kumari obtained a PhD in Psychology from Banaras Hindu University, India in 1993 prior to joining the Institute of Psychiatry, London for post-doctoral research. She became a Beit Memorial Research Fellow in 1999, a Wellcome Senior Fellow in Basic Biomedical Science in 2002, and a Full Professor in 2006 at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (formerly known as the Institute of Psychiatry), King’s College London, UK. She left King’s College London in 2016 to join the Sovereign Health Group (USA) as the Chief Scientific Officer and returned to the UK in 2018 to join 水果派AVUniversity London as Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Centre for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (CCN). Her research interests include the neurobiological effects of pharmacological and psychological treatments in psychosis, neurobiology of violence in mental illness, psychobiology of addiction, and personality and brain functioning. Prof Kumari has over 300 publications in reputed psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience journals and received various national and international awards for her research including the Young Investigator Award from the National Alliance of Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, USA (1999), research fellowship from BEIT Memorial Foundation (1999-2002), the BAP (British Association of Psychopharmacology) Clinical Psychopharmacology Prize (2002), Wellcome Senior Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science (2002-2009), the prestigious Humboldt Research Award (2014), and most recently a Bonn International Fellowship (2020/21). Professor Kumari has supervised a large number of post-graduate and doctoral students and served in editor or editorial board member roles for a number of psychology and psychiatry journals. Cognitive and affective deficits in schizophrenia and personality disorders Neurobiological effects and predictors of outcome following drug and psychological treatments Neurobiology of violence and addiction Sleep deprivation and mental health Neuroscience of mindfulness Cognitive psychopharmacology, particularly the effects of psychostimulants, antipsychotics, nicotine and anxiolytics Neurobiology of sex and sexual-orientation related differences Personality neuroscience MSc Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (starting Oct 2018) Module Lead for PY5618 - Cognitive Psychopharmacology and Addiction Module Lead for PY5616 - Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience - Core Topics


Doctoral Researchers and Fellows

Our doctoral researchers and fellows:

Nazar Beirag
Ylenia Cicir貌
Karanjit Das
Christiana Doulami
Fred Jonathan Edzeamey
Angila Gurung
Luxshieha Hareymaaran
Periklis Katopodis
Gideon MacCarthy
Ruchira Mann
Denise Ragusa



Collaborative Partners:

Our collaborative partners include: 

  • Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Australia,
  • Calgary University, Canada
  • University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Emory, USA,
  • INCERN, France
  • Münster University, Germany
  • Harvard Medical School, USA
  • Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Karolinska Institute, Sweden
  • Max Plank Institute, Münster, Germany
  • University College London, UK
  • Manchester University, UK, Oxford University, UK
  • Imperial College London, UK
  • University of North Carolina, USA
  • Louisiana State University Health Sciences Centre, USA
  • MRC toxicology Unit, Cambridge, UK

Professional Services Staff

Administrators and others who help support the CIRTM

Email Coral Hankins
Centre Adminsitrator