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Collaborative Research

The Computational Biology Group has been collaborating with research groups in the UK, Germany, Italy, India, France, Romania and the US. We have hosted several researchers at different stages of their career and we are happy to discuss new collaborations.

Please get in touch with members of Computational Biology group if you are interested in forming a collaborative partnership.

Current collaborators:

  • Prof Monika Heiner, Brandenburg Technical University - Germany & visiting researcher at Brunel
  • Dr Arianna Fornili, Queen Mary University of London
  • Dr James Garnett, King’s College London
  • Prof Shozeb Haider, Univeristy College London
  • Dr Shahid Khan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - US
  • Prof Laura Bonati, University of Milan-Bicocca - Italy
  • Prof Giorgio Colombo, University of Pavia - Italy
  • Dr Angelo Facchiano, National Research Council - Italy
  • Prof Ashutosh Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - India
  • Dr Avinash Kale, University of Mumbai - India
  • Dr Giuseppe Sicoli, Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies - France
  • Dr Iuliana Bocicor, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca - Romania