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Group Members


Dr Kristian Gustafson Dr Kristian Gustafson
Email Dr Kristian Gustafson Deputy Head of Department / Divisional Lead / Reader
Dr. Gustafson is Reader in Intelligence & War. He is the Deputy Director of BCISS and runs our very successful Distance Learning MA in Intelligence and Security Studies. After an MA at the University of Alberta, Canada, he moved to the UK to take his PhD at Downing College, Cambridge. Before coming to Brunel, Dr. Gustafson was senior lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. He has served in the Canadian Army and as a Reservist in the British Army, and taught at the Joint Services Command and Staff College of the United Kingdom. Dr. Gustafson has conducted consultancy and advisory work for the MOD's Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, including an integral role in developing UK Joint Intelligence Doctrine. He has provided other work for the UK Land Warfare Centre, the UK Cabinet Office, and multiple units and formations across the UK military. Dr. Gustafson has delivered professional development courses to multiple Allied and partner organisations, including the EU Intelligence Centre, and the governments of Norway, Latvia, France and the United Arab Emirates. In 2013 he worked as an intelligence advisor for the General Command Police Special Units (GCPSU) of the Afghan Ministry of Interior. Dr. Gustafson focuses on the practical aspects of the intelligence enterprise, and especially in analysis, structured analytical tools, and their application. Recent work has included improving counter-poaching outcomes across Africa by better application of intelligence analysis methods, and he has published work on reducing certain types of gun crime by better forms of analysis. His first book, Hostile Intent: U.S. Covert Operations in Chile, 1964–1974 (2007) is published by Potomac Books, Washington, D.C., and his edited volume Intelligence Elsewhere: Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere (2013, with Prof Philip H.J. Davies) established a new research agenda for comparative work across the intelligence studies academic community. One of his early articles, published in Studies in Intelligence, won in 2003, the CIA’s “Walter L. Pforzheimer Award” for outstanding contribution to the history of intelligence. Intelligence & Intelligence Analysis Doctrine Military Affairs Postgraduate Programmes Programme convenor MA Intelligence and Security Studies (Distance Learning) Module convenor Contemporary Threats & Intelligence Analysis (On-campus & Distance) Classical & Medieval European Warfare Administration Programme Director, BSc Professional Policing Practice Programme Director, MA Intelligence & Security Studies (DL) Director of Studies, MA Intelligence & Security Studies (On-campus & DL)
Dr Richard Hammond Dr Richard Hammond
Email Dr Richard Hammond Senior Lecturer in War Studies
I am a Senior Lecturer in the History and Politics Division. Prior to this I held positions at King's College London and the Universities of Portsmouth and Exeter. I received my PhD from the University of Exeter in 2012, which focused on the conduct and impact of the Allied anti-shipping campaign in the Mediterranean during the Second World War. My first monograph, Strangling the Axis: The Fight for Control of the Mediterranean during the Second World War, is based on a significant expansion of my doctoral research and was published with Cambridge University Press in 2020. I have published numerous articles in journals including War in History (2018), The International History Review (2017), the Journal of Military History (2016), the Journal of Strategic Studies (2013) and Air Power Review (2013). Two of these have been awarded prestigious prizes: the Corbett Prize in Modern Naval History (Proxime Accessit) by the Institute for Historical Research and a Moncado Prize by the Society for Military History. I am also a Vice President of the Second World War Research Group (swwresearch.com) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Modern British and European History Modern Mediterranean History The History of Warfare (especially 1914-45) Anglo-Italian Relations during the period of Italian fascism Inter and Intra-Service rivalry in the British Armed Forces Historians and their Craft (Level 5) From Gibraltar to Suez: Britain and the Mediterranean, 1704-1956 (Level 5) Fascist Italy, 1919-1945: Revolution, Conflict and Collapse (Level 6) The Second World War (Level 7) The Royal Navy in the Twentieth Century (Level 7)
Professor Matthew Hughes Professor Matthew Hughes
Email Professor Matthew Hughes Professor of Military History
Matthew Hughes studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies and at the London School of Economics. He completed his ESRC-funded PhD in 1995 under the supervision of Professors Brian Bond and Brian Holden Reid in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London on the strategy surrounding the British campaign in Palestine in the First World War. After working as an intern with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Professor Hughes lectured at the universities of Northampton and Salford before coming to Ë®¹ûÅÉAVUniversity in 2005, where he was Head of Politics and History, 2012-15. Professor Hughes has been a British Academy funded visiting fellow at the American University in Cairo, the American University in Beirut, and at Tel Aviv University. He spent two years as the Marine Corps University Foundation-funded Maj-Gen Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair in Military Theory at the US Marine Corps University, Quantico, 2008-10. His latest monograph on British counter-insurgency in Palestine in the 1930s entitled Britain's Pacification of Palestine: the British Army, the Colonial State, and the Arab Revolt, 1936-1939 (2019, paperback edition 2020) published with Cambridge University Press was a 'commended' finalist for the 2019 Society for Army Historical Research Templer Medal Prize, was long listed for the British Army Military Book of the Year 2020, and has been translated into Arabic by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies. He was the editor of the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research (2004-8); he is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a former Councillor and then Chair of Council of the Army Records Society (2014-18); he is a judge for the Society for Army Historical Research's annual Templer Medal prize (2003-4, 2007-8, 2018-); he is a JP and a Trustee of the Gurkha Centre; and he sits or has sat on the editorial boards of the British Journal of Military History, International History Review, Open Military History, Journal of Maltese History and Middle Eastern Studies, and was a judge for the last's annual Elie Kedourie Prize. He has been an external examiner at Maynooth University Ireland (for the Irish Defence Forces at Currgah Camp), Swansea, Strathcylde, the Joint Services Command and Staff College, King's College London, Sussex, Kent, Buckingham, Northampton, Cambridge and Wolverhampton; he was a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Buckingham, 2016-20; and he is currently an external examiner at Loughborough University and the University of Salford. He has supervised nine PhD students to completion, and welcomes new research students interested in military history subjects. Qualifications: BA Geography and History (SOAS) 1988 MSc (Econ) International Relations (LSE) 1989 PGCE History (Cardiff) 1991 PhD War Studies (King's College London) 1995 Matthew Hughes is interested in war and history broadly understood, and after finishing his funded-project examining British methods of colonial pacification and counter-insurgency, with particular reference to Palestine in the British Mandate period, he is now examining British operations in Borneo during Confrontation, with funding from the A.V.B. Norman Trust and a Moody Research Grant from the LBJ Presidential Library, Austin, Texas. Military history War studies The British Army Mandate Palestine Counter-insurgency Undergraduate Programmes Module convenor PX1608 Total War in the Modern Era PX1607 Makers of Modern Strategy PP5572 War in History Administration Deputy Divisional Lead Subject Library Officer
Dr John Macmillan Dr John Macmillan
Email Dr John Macmillan Senior Lecturer in International Relations
The inter-disciplinary nature of International Relations has, for me, always been one of the most stimulating features of the subject. Whilst IR has long professed a strong core narrative of what distinguishes the field the most interesting work in the subject combines insights from a range of disciplinary traditions, whether History, Philosophy, Law, Political Economy, or Political Theory. It is this interdisciplinary character that enables a particularly rich analysis of the ‘big’ questions that IR addresses. For example, in the final year of my own undergraduate study I was struck by the proposition that stable liberal democracies rarely if ever went to war against each other. My subsequent research in this area combined the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, critical insights from Marxist inspired traditions, and a strong historical – or empirical – interest in specific interstate relationships culminating either in heightened conflict or the creation and maintenance of peaceful relations. More recently I have been interested in the question of liberal state ‘intervention’ and in particular variation and trends in intervention over time. This has involved engaging with historical sociological and post-colonial perspectives as well as more established traditions within the discipline such as the English School ‘international society’ tradition. In this respect, matters of contextualisation and perspective are as important for allowing an individual to see the world in its richness and complexity as they are for understanding why it is that the members of international society frequently see the world in very different ways. Qualifications: DPhil International Relations (Oxford) BA International Relations (Keele) I am interested in history and theory of both the particular peace-proneness and the use of force by liberal states (democracies). Initially the focus of this interest was on the Democratic Peace proposition but more recently the focus has been more on liberal state intervention. Democratic peace Liberal state peace / war Military intervention International relations theory Undergraduate Programmes Module convenor Globalisation and Governance (Yr 3) Postgraduate Programmes Programme convenor MA International Relations Module convenor Evolution of International Relations War in Politics: Democracy, War and InterventionDissertation and Research Skills in International Relations Administration Part-time Staff Liaison Coordinator
Professor Matthew Seligmann Professor Matthew Seligmann
Email Professor Matthew Seligmann Professor of Naval History
I Joined Ë®¹ûÅÉAVas a Reader in 2012 and became a professor in 2015. I am a specialist on intelligence, threat assessment, security, armaments races and the the origins of modern wars. My main focus is on how the the British government responded to the German challenge in the first decades of the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the naval competition between the two countries. I have published widely on these topics, including authoring or co-authoring over ten books, many book chapters and numerous articles and reviews. My teaching tends to focus on questions of intelligence, security and conflict, but I am also interested in how we (individually and as societies) fashion a past useful for the purposes of the present. My current research focuses on the Royal Navy during the era of the Anglo-German antagonism. As a result, I write books and articles that are mostly about British naval policy, armaments races, espionage, battleship building and naval strategy. One of these articles, a study of the origins and creation of the Home Fleet in 1902, won the Julian Corbett Prize, the UK’s principal award for excellence in Naval History. Armaments races, especially the Anglo-German naval race. The origins of modern wars, especially the First World War. Military and Naval Intelligence and threat assessment. Module convenor PX1611 The Problem of the Past (Yr 1) PX2604 First World War (Yr 2) PP3620 The Royal Navy in the Era of the Great Naval Races (Yr 3) Administration Director of Internationalisation, SPS. Academic Exchanges Coordinator, Politics and History.
Dr Steven Wagner Dr Steven Wagner
Email Dr Steven Wagner Senior Lecturer in International Security
I am an historian of intelligence, security, empire and the modern Middle East. Before coming to Brunel, I was a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University, Montreal. I received my DPhil from the University of Oxford, and my BA and MA from the University of Calgary. Since 2007, I have been looking at records declassified records in the UK, USA, and Israel which shed new light on the story of the Palestine Mandate, but also on the previously unknown role of intelligence in countering terrorism & insurgency, and in shaping British policy. Qualifications: DPhil – University of Oxford MA – University of Calgary BA – University of Calgary Broadly speaking, my research covers the relationship between intelligence, state and society, and how intelligence services influenced the emergence of the Modern Middle East. Since 2007, I have studied declassified records in the UK, USA, and Israel which shed new light on the story of the Palestine Mandate, but also on the previously unknown role of intelligence in countering terrorism & insurgency, and in shaping British policy. Specifically, he has focused on how intelligence shaped Britain's thirty year rule in Palestine, and its impact upon the Arab-Zionist conflict. intelligence and security british empire the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict strategy & policy


Our scholars are leaders in their field, as evidenced in the many fellowships and prizes they have won. Hammond has won a prestigious Ridgeway Fellowship of the United States Army Heritage and Education Centre as well as the Moncado Prize for his article in Journal of Military History, and the Corbett Prize in Modern Naval History. Hughes’ book ‘Britain's Pacification of Palestine’ won third (bronze) prize in the Society for Army Historical Research annual Templer Medal competition for 2019. Richterova has won the Best Student Paper Award from the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association. We also demonstrate our contribution to the profession through leadership in professional bodies. For example, Hammond is Vice President of the Second World War Research Group; Davies and Wagner are both on the steering committee of the Oxford Intelligence group; Seligmann is a Council member of the Navy Records Society; Richterova is on the steering committee of the British Study Group on Intelligence; and Gustafson is on the steering committee of the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar.

Our staff also regularly appear in the media, such as on the BBC World Service. Hughes has acted as a historical consultant for numerous TV programmes, including the BBC’s ‘Who do you think you are?’ or a ‘Battle of Crete 1941’ programme for distribution on History Channel UK and several international TV stations.