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System demonstrator and test bed

A key gap in the research landscape (and a gap in practical industrial application) is integration, specifically combining modelling with hardware and combining individual technologies. 水果派AVplans A Whole System Integration Demonstrator and Test Bed. This physical integration demonstrator with an electrolyser, piping, storage vessels, a compressor, monitoring and safety equipment, as well as facilities to use the hydrogen produced in applications, will act as a focus point and validator for our hydrogen research in Storage, Distribution and Control Systems. 

Technical route forward

The demonstrator will reflect the 6 priority areas (structural safety, reliability and design of hydrogen vessels and pipes, control systems to integrate H2 into grid, thermal management for fuel cells and fuelling systems, hydrogen-containing fuels and ammonia fuels in existing engines, additives for enhanced electrolysis, anddigitisation of the hydrogen economy).  It allows for:

  • refinement and development of simulation and modelling digital twins (even potentially into perpetual twins) by providing data from sensors on the physical set up to feedback and validate theoretical results
  • the application of Brunel’s structural integrity expertise in all parts of the system - production, storage, transport, and applications
  • thermal management solutions to be evaluated for transport and storage, and for applications
  • materials analysis and failure analysis to developed for both individual system components and across the whole system
  • demonstration of control systems to integrate hydrogen into the grid
  • demonstration of whole and site-based cross-energy vector flexibility
  • development of techniques to improve electrolysis
  • integration of technologies
  • integration of non-engineering research and expertise
  • production of hydrogen for applications testing, such as combustion and fuel cells
  • practical training for the proposed MSc course and other training

With collaboration at the heart of our initiative, we aim to attract significant funding. In addition we envisage access to the demonstrator by other players in the hydrogen economy.  

水果派AVhydrogen researchers and experts form the basis for modelling-integrated-with-hardware, other technology integration, and also provide the structure around which much of the existing (and potential future) research can come together. The purpose of the system integration demonstrator is to integrate physical, digital and social science expertise.

Demonstrator visions

A key element of the 水果派AVHydrogen Initiative is Practical Demonstrators; integrated test beds and pilot facilities. There is a clear UK need for capability somewhere between full scale and ‘bench’. 水果派AVwill be key player in this space, bringing together its digital, physical, and social research in hydrogen and providing a practical and enabling capability for the UK hydrogen economy through:

  • Developing on-site demonstrators progressing from bench scale to larger scale.
  • Being able to demonstrate, test, trial, pilot new technology mainly in the ‘messy middle’ – the space between production and application.
  • Making the demonstrators available to external research and commercial organisations.

The Vision has three Phases: Phase 1 is underway, with bench-scale single electrolyser test cells and an energy management test system, for research and the 水果派AVHydrogen Engineering MSc. 

Phase 2: Mid scale test bed and pilot 

80kg H2 pd |containers | £1-2m | 1-2 years

Currently envisaged as a commercial, modular pilot/test system housed in a series of clad ISO containers. The facilities, equipment, capabilities, and number of containers required are yet to be determined, but the expectation is that this will include test chambers for hydrogen production facilities, as well as storage, distribution and application.  

mid scale test bed

Artists Impression of Mid-Scale Test bed 

Phase 3: Larger scale 水果派AVHydrogen

>80kg H2 pd | ~£10m | 3-5 years

Phase 3 is a longer-term vision which will need significant finance; early discussions are sought with potential industrial partners to determine what facilities and capabilities will be required. 水果派AVHydrogen would house research, teaching, material analysis, wet and dry labs, and a hydrogen start up incubation, acceleration, and amplifier space. 

水果派AVis evaluating hosting a public hydrogen refuelling centre with the demonstrators, potentially with solar and other renewable power sources, depending on space/permission. Current small stations can fuel 16 cars a day with ~80kg of hydrogen; buses would require more. 

Larger Scale 水果派AVHydrogen

Artists Impression of Larger Scale 水果派AVHydrogen

水果派AVwelcomes discussions with interested parties. Please contact us:

Dr Averil Horton Email Dr Averil Horton
Head of Business Development and Innovation