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Industry Events


Tuesday 10 May

Institutes of Energy Futures & Materials and Manufacturing

Open Day: Institutes of Energy Futures & Materials and Manufacturing

A joint Open Day exploring the Institute of Energy Futures, led by Professor Savvas Tassou, and the Institute of Materials & Manufacturing, led by Professor Hamid Bahai. 

10:00 Arrival and Refreshments

10:30 Welcome and Introduction to the Institute of Energy Futures – Professor Savvas Tassou (Institute Director)
           Welcome and Introduction to the Institute of Materials and Manufacturing – Professor Hamid Bahai (Institute Director)

11:00 Clean Energy, Sustainable Growth and Circular and Bio Economies (Parallel Session)

  • Towards Zero Carbon Transport and Power Machinery – Professor Hua Zhao (Vice Provost and Dean of College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences and Director, Centre for Advanced Powertrain and Fuels)
  • Decarbonisation and Digitalisation of Electrical Power Systems – Professor Gareth Taylor (Head of Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Director of 水果派AVInstitute of Power Systems)
  • Fundamental and Applied Research into Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies – Professor Tassos Karayiannis (Director, Centre for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies)
  • Climate Change Resilient Buildings – Professor Maria Kolokotroni (Director, Centre for Resource Efficient Future Cities)

11:00 Smart Manufacturing and Materials Innovation (Parallel Session)

  • Grain Refinement: High performance automotive castings – Professor Hari Nadendla (水果派AVCentre for Advanced Solidification Technology)
  • Material Characterisation for Fracture & Damage – Professor Rade Vignjevic (Director of Centre for Assessment of Structures & Materials Under Extreme Conditions)
  • Meeting the Plastics Pact Targets for Food Packaging via Polymer and Luminescent Materials Processing – Dr. George Fern (Director of Wolfson Centre for Sustainable Materials Development & Processing)
  • Applications of subsurface digital twins for integrity assessment of CCS operations – Adrian Rodrigues-Herrera (Manager Subsurface Modelling at Schlumberger)

13:00 Networking Lunch and Poster Presentations

14:00 Lab Tours, including our: Power Labs; Powertrains Fuels and Heat and Mass Transfer; Experimental Techniques Centre / Wolfson Centre; Centre for Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains; 水果派AVCentre for Advanced Solidification Technology; Structures Lab

AI and Digital Construction Showcase

The digital construction session will showcase the latest digital smart innovations from industry as well as from academia, demonstrating novel AI solutions to important but routine as well as complex and large-scale problems and pathways toward digitisation in the sector.

After the plenary sessions there will be smaller focused breakout sessions, targeted at collective thinking to develop potential solutions to industrial problems in the multidisciplinary area of emerging AI technologies coupled with Digital Construction.

This session is organised by the department of Civil Engineering and the AI: Social and Digital Innovation Research Centre.


Thursday 12 May

Institute of Digital Futures

Open Day: Institute of Digital Futures 

The Institute of Digital Futures (IDF) invites you to its Research Festival Open Day, including a tour of our state of the art "digital" interdisciplinary facilities, featuring an industry panel discussion moderated by West London Business; and showcasing our research directly from the labs.

10:00  Arrivals & Welcome

10:30  Lab Tours and Live Demos. Including our Green Screen, Immersive Dome, Motion Capture Lab, with spotlights on VR Rehabilitation, AI Edge Lab, and poster presentations.

12:30  Networking Lunch & Keynote from Andrew Dakers (West London Business) on Digital Business Priorities and Current Challenges post COVID-19.

 14:00  Breakout Sessions and Sandpits on Interdisciplinary Research Priority Challenges:

  • Responsible AI for Businesses
  • How Can Digital Technologies Reverse Climate Change?

 15:00  Conclusions and Future Plans for Digital Futures, with Institute Director, Professor Abdul H. Sadka


Wednesday 18 May

The New Hydrogen Economy

The New Hydrogen Economy 

In this online seminar, international experts explore contours of the emerging hydrogen economy. The questions they address include: Has hydrogen been over-hyped? What role can ‘green’ hydrogen play in the energy transition. Is ‘blue’ hydrogen really ‘green’? What is the British government's hydrogen strategy: is it on the right track, and what can be learnt from other countries?Each paper is followed by Q&A. Attendance is open to all. 

Speakers:Mark Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. 

Franziska Müller, Professor of Climate Governance at Hamburg University. 

Jan Rosenow, Director of European Programmes at the Regulatory Assistance Project, and Honorary Research Associate at Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute. 

Tom Baxter, Senior Fellow in Chemical Engineering at Aberdeen University, founding member of the Hydrogen Science Coalition, and Chemical Engineering consultant. 

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Thursday 19 May

Institute of Health, Medicine and Environments

Open Day: Institute of Health, Medicine and Environments

The Institute of Health, Medicine and Environments are pleased to host a public open day, spotlighting Brunel’s ageing-related research in a showcase of Brunel’s research excellence and contributions to Health and Wellbeing across the Lifecourse.

Join us from 10am for welcome and introductions, before embarking on your free “Health MOT”. While encountering our research, you’ll have a chance to test your grip strength, analyse your gait, offer feedback in our hearing lab, see expert demonstrations on physiotherapy exercises, and much more!

Browse our research posters and presentations, meet researchers and practitioners over a free networking lunch, and discover some of our diverse research activities and the many opportunities to participate in impactful research.

Explore our photography exhibition, revealing the wonderful world of our cell biology, curated by the Centre for Genome Engineering and Maintenance.

Plus, marking Dementia Action Week, we discover how creativity and research can combine to support those living with dementia. 


Tuesday 24 May

Inaugural Lecture: Professor Alexandra Knight – Engineers Solve Problems

Alex Knight


What will make a great engineer of the future?

How will we keep up with the pace of change whilst remaining grounded in our pursuit to make the world a better place?

Engineers Solve Problems – what is the skillset for our problem-solvers of the future?

What will make you a great engineer of the future?

 We are in the 4th Industrial Revolution with things like big data, artificial intelligence and smart assets re-shaping our engineering landscape. How will we keep up with the pace of change whilst remaining grounded in our connection to the fundamental reason we do anything as engineers - to make the world a better place?

 Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor Alexandra Knight FIMechE FWES, will give her view on the essential skillset for engineers in this rapidly evolving world of technology, and explain why taking an Asset Management approach and building a more diverse and inclusive engineering culture will be the key to success.

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Alex Knight stemazing
Alexandra Knight


Alex is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the IMechE and the Women’s Engineering Society. She is the Founder and CEO of STEMAZING – a social enterprise dedicated to inspiration and inclusion in STEM. Alex is passionate about supporting women in STEM to shine as confident, visible role models and inspire our future generations of innovators and problem-solvers. She is also a Visiting Professor with the Royal Academy of Engineering at 水果派AVUniversity London where she shares her passion for Asset Management and Inclusion in Engineering with the aim to improve student employability.  Alex won the We Are The City Champions Award in 2020 for her work to champion diversity and inclusion in STEM, and STEMAZING won the Diversity Impact Award at the RAC awards in 2021.



Monday 30 May

Institute of Communities and Society

Expert Roundtable Discussion with UN Special Rapporteur in Cultural Rights

Professor Alexandra Xanthaki convenes a panel of experts in her role as UN Special Rapporteur to discuss Sustainable Development and Cultural Rights, in this special online roundtable open to public viewing.

Hosted by the Institute of Communities and Society


Tuesday 31 May

水果派AVEngagement Day 

水果派AVEngagement Day

Brunel’s Engagement Team welcomes you to this free event to learn more about how we connect and develop collaborative relationships with business and community groups within Hillingdon, West London and beyond.

Representatives from across the University will be introducing their work on the latest Public, Business and Civic/Community Engagement initiatives. There will be plenty of networking opportunities and the chance to discuss your views on how 水果派AVcan best engage with local community groups and businesses. A number of our partner organisations will also be running networking stalls to showcase their activities.

Digital Inclusion: Creative Engagements with Brunel 

A showcase of creative, digital, and socially responsive engagements with 水果派AVresearch

 14.30 How can a charity or social enterprise engage 水果派AVUniversity? DASH’s Story

 COVID-19 has changed how charities have been using digital and how services have been adapted in response to the pandemic. Many charities now see digital as a priority and are planning to invest more in digital infrastructure and systems, in data skills and infrastructure, and develop a strategy around using digital to reach new audiences. Charitable organisations now see digital fundraising as a priority.

 Join us to learn about the journey DASH has taken with 水果派AVUniversity London to develop their online presence in support of disabled people. Explore how DASH were empowered to produce accessible videos, in several formats, to enable disabled people to have increased knowledge and understanding of the claims process for the benefits Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC). Take part in a conversation about how charitable organisations and social enterprises can invest in, and capitalise on, digital services that can be sustainable (scalable) and designed to be inclusive.

 15:30 Digital Poverty and Digital Resilience in Margate: preliminary findings of a British Academy project

 This presentation outlines the preliminary findings of an interdisciplinary research project about two Margate communities: Roma, and 'Creative Diaspora'. The team are investigating how they are each negotiating digital poverty, and we explain some surprising results.

 Professor Ashley Braganza (Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence); Dr Meredith Jones (Director of the Institute of Communities and Society); Dr Rachel Stuart (Lecturer in Criminology and Deviance) and Dr Vassilis Charitsis (Lecturer in Marketing)

 16:00 How can artists and creative businesses engage 水果派AVUniversity? Nine Lyrae Productions

 Nine Lyrae Productions, in collaboration with 水果派AVDesign School and STEM Centre at 水果派AVUniversity London, are pleased to present the launch of SYN, the Synaesthesia Room. Experience how SYN brings together artistic, technological and psychological research to investigate the condition of synaesthesia, the mixing of the senses, through an immersive multisensory experience.

 “Vision triggers sound, sound is made into light, light is linked to touch and smell, in an experience that explores different types of synaesthesia, sensory awareness and synaesthesia memory.”

 SYN represents a unique opportunity within London's artistic scene to showcase a concept that is not only unique but presents an unmatched variety of possible applications, from education to artistic installation, from neuroscience research to neurodiversity awareness, delivered by Brunel’s Immersive Dome.