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Governance and Review

The principle responsibility for Research Integrity compliance rests with Senate and is monitored on behalf of Senate by Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee of Senate. The Chair of this Committee is Professor Hua Zhao, Pro Vice Chancellor - Research. Our named point of contact for dealing with cases of suspected misconduct or other concerns concerning the integrity of research is Mr Tristan Foot, University Secretary and General Counsel. He can be contacted at res-ethics@brunel.ac.uk.

Responsibility for ensuring that the code is securely embedded within the ‘local’ structure rests with the Dean, appropriate Vice-Dean and Departmental Director of Colleges. In the case of Research Institutes, this responsibility lies with the Director. Responsibility for supervision and monitoring of local compliance lies with the College Research Strategy Groups and the College Research Ethics Committees (who have a direct relationship with the University Research Ethics Committee).

Research Integrity Review takes place annually using the format detailed in our code. The University Research Ethics Committee also makes an annual report directly to Council. The Governance, Information and Legal Office, on behalf of the Council of the University, assures itself of compliance in research integrity, providing feedback to Senate, Executive Board and to Council.

Annual Statement Concordat for Research Integrity – 2020

Annual Statement Concordat for Research Integrity – 2021

Annual Statement Concordat for Research Integrity -  2022

Annual Statement Concordat for Research Integrity -  2023

The Research Integrity code requires compliance with a number of established University Policies and Procedures. The governance relating to these policies and procedures and their ‘owners’ is not superseded by the code, but compliance with and changes to such policies forms part of the annual monitoring process for the code.