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10 Tips For Writing Your Personal Statement

Here are our tips for the perfect personal statement:

1. Get it all down on paper

Write a draft first, as the first version of your personal statement doesn't have to be the last. Don't worry about the character limit when you start as you can always cut down later!

2. Why this course?

Show motivation and enthusiasm for your chosen subject – tell us why you want to study your chosen course and show us your passion for the subject.

3. Show us all your skills

It’s not just about what you want to study – what other skills do you have? Do you have strong organisational, communication and/or strong analytical skills? Make sure you tell us! (But be honest)

4. Why should we choose you?

What are your strengths? How do you use them? This could include relevant work experience, volunteer work or experiences such as a Gap Year.

5. Tell us more about you

What are your hobbies, interests and achievements? But please don’t be cliché! 

6. How mature are you?

Show us that you are mature and ready to adjust to university life. Consider the words you choose carefully and make sure you are putting yourself across in the best way possible.

7. What about after your degree? 

(Yes, we know it seems far away!) Tell us where you see yourself in the future. How will university contribute to your career plans?

8. Structure

Structure your personal statement carefully. The majority (50-75%) should explain why you want to study your chosen course. Read it out loud and if it makes sense when you’re reading it, it will make sense to someone else.

9. A Second Opinion

Get someone else to proof read your personal statement because you will have looked over it too many times to spot the mistakes.



female students working on laptop in the 1966 coffree shop at 水果派AVUniversity London

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