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Professor Nicola Ansell
Professor - Human Geography

Marie Jahoda 204

  • Anthropology
  • Social Science and Communications

Research area(s)

Social and cultural change in the lives of young people in the Global South (particularly in southern Africa); politics and impacts of global policy agendas (particularly in the areas of education, children’s rights and social protection); geographies of youth and childhood; scalar politics; participatory research.

Research grants and projects

Research Projects


Equipping Lesotho's primary school teachers for educating and motivating rural children.
Funder: Economic & Social Research Council
Duration: April 2021 - April 2023
Education systems aspiration and learning in remote rural settings
Funder: Economic & Social Research Council
Duration: June 2016 - June 2018
Averting 'New Variant Famine' in Southern Africa: building food-secure livelihoods with AIDS-affected young people
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council
Duration: April 2007 - April 2009

Project details

  •  (ESRC-DFID £45,199) with Paramente Phamotse, Edith Sebatane and Julia Chere
  • settings (ESRC-DFID £595,101) with , Roy Huijsmans and Ian Rivers
  • (ESRC-DFID £299,870, 2015-8) with Lorraine van Blerk, Elsbeth Robson, Flora Hajdu, Evance Mwathunga and Thandie Hlabana
  • Averting 'New Variant Famine' in Southern Africa: building food-secure livelihoods with AIDS-affected young people  (DFID-ESRC: £201,757, 2007-8) with Elsbeth Robson and Lorraine van Blerk
  • Global-local dialogue in responses to the HIV/AIDS crisis in Lesotho's education sector: meeting vulnerable children's needs? (RGS: £2,000, 2003)
  • Young AIDS migrants in southern Africa: dissemination (DFID: £6,404, 2002) with Lorraine Young
  • Young AIDS migrants in southern Africa  (DFID: £48,604, 2000)